IT IS TIME! 293 North Star Drive Moravian Falls, NC. 28654
We Are One
WE ARE ONE We begin the year with one of my favorite revelations. I am excited that it came up on the rotation of dates for the Spiritual Chronicles of the Moravian Falls House of Prayer the first month of […]
Prayer on the Mountain
The Moravian Falls House of Prayer Yes! Yes! Yes! We will be starting Prayer on the Mountain on January 6th,2024 The doors will be open to all. Come one ,come all – Let us bless our Father God by joining […]
Harvest Angel
We are continuing the Spiritual history of the Moravian Falls House of Prayer on Prayer Mountain in Moravian Falls, North Carolina. This chronicle shows God’s work in preparing the site for the building of His chapel, and the arrival […]
Mortar and Pestle
Mortar & Pestle The prophetic intercessors from the Bob Jones Vision Center brought this very unusual gift to those of us who are part of the Moravian Falls House of Prayer: A Mortar & Pestle This is an ancient grinding […]
The Land Enclosed by the Angel Wall
The Land Enclosed by the Angel Wall Here, The Lord is showing the land that will be protected by the wall that is being built by the angels. August 1, 2006: Tuesday “Lord,” I asked, how much land are You […]