A Life Changing Event

A Life Changing Event

We live in a quiet part of the country, but when God wants to “shake things up” He knows where to find us.

A couple of weeks before the eclipse, a prophet dashed into our prayer meeting and dropped a prophetic “gift” onto my lap. The top of the box read: “The Revolution Has Begun.” Inside were sackcloth and ashes. Since he made similar deliveries to several churches, we felt the message to the body of Christ was clear: “REPENT.”

But – this was not the main occurrence. Right before this jaw dropping event, a pastor who was seated among those in attendance, had a stunning vision.

This is the prophetic word given by Pastor Larry at the end of the March 2024 Prayer Meeting:

“I saw an angel on a white horse that was galloping at top speed across the horizon. With his left hand he held tightly to the horse’s mane. In his right hand (which was held down alongside of the speeding horse) he held firmly the hair of the severed head of Goliath.

The horse stopped at the edge of the horizon and the angel threw Goliath’s head into the Lake of Fire – which is in the Bottomless Pit.

As the angel threw the head into the Lake of Fire, God spoke.

“Tell my people that the one who has come to intimidate them is now gone.”

Betsy, who was our worship leader that day, did a pen and ink drawing of the prophetic deliverance of the mountain. We framed it and hung it in the prayer room. Below is the rendering of the angel, the horse, and Goliath’s head.

Praise God. We are free at last.

Sometimes prophetic messages take years to materialize. This vision began to be fulfilled immediately.

Our lives are changing daily – dramatically changing.

To say the least “our mouths are filled with laughter and our steps are bathed in butter. “Right now, only we see the beginning results. But when these blessings surface – like a submarine that has been sitting on the bottom of the ocean and suddenly surfaces – we will let you know.