JANUARY 4, 2019 MEETING – Prophetic Words from our January Meetings


During Worship I closed my eyes and saw angels in a line dancing slowly.


On New Year’s Eve I quietly prayed and one thing after another, the Lord went after mixture in me. I believe that if I have a word for 2019, it is that the Lord is going after mixture – He wants us to go after the mixture with the same zeal He has. Jesus had the zeal of the Father when He cleansed the Father’s house. I believe He really wants to go after the mixture in us. The consequences of this will be eternal. Talk about submitting to something that pleases the Father. If I could, I would just encourage everybody to test what I am saying. If we want the pure spiritual word, we don’t want to live in a soulish realm or a worldly realm.

I believe there is a real simple thing that would help us to go after mixture in our lives. If you don’t practice this, I am just asking you to test it. If you will make a practice of going before God with absolutely no agenda of your own or problems of your own, and just saying, “I am here for you. I am here because I am Yours.” Then wait on Him in that posture and stay there. In Exodus 24 God said come up to Me and be there and then I will show you this, that and the other, but He said come up to Me at the top. Moses sat for 6 days without saying a word and then the Lord spoke. I just think there is a real protocol, a heavenly protocol for living a spiritual life. Just test what I am saying, just see the remarkable fellowship and communion you can have before the Lord if you go before Him without an agenda. Be prepared to stay there and let Him know He is the focus and He is the reason you are here and see what happens in your life.

The church in the United States and Israel will not get what we deserve – we are getting Your great grace Lord. For Your glory, so You can have the desire of Your heart, Lord, so You can have what You want. You have “trumped” the enemy . . . he has claimed us because of our idolatry, because of the way we have turned to ourselves and away from You. Thank You for turning our hearts towards You. Apart from You we can do nothing, we ask for great grace. Lord help us to put our house in order, we are here for You. Thank You, Lord, for great grace, the connection to the vine. Move on Your people to turn to You with all of our hearts, away from the world, away from ourselves, from ministry preoccupations and other religious preoccupations.

All the rain we have been getting lately I feel is a prophetic sign of a coming move of God and the outpouring of His Spirit. Rain is a blessing but if you cannot handle the rain, it becomes destructive. There is a great need for the people of God to get our vessels in order to be able to receive the blessing and the outpouring so it won’t be wasted.

The wonderful gracious move of God can destroy lives if they are not ready for it – like Ananias and Sapphira. Lord I ask for that grace for us and the fear of God to get ourselves in order, to get our houses in order, to get our churches in order, to turn to You Lord with all our heart, so that in Your move, not one drop is wasted, every bit goes to fill a willing and prepared vessel, I ask You Lord in your great grace.

The old unfulfilled mantles will be fulfilled in these days.


God kept saying “Purity.” Mixture removed. Things of the world will be removed this year.

Donald Trump is the 58th president and he started on January 20, 2017, which totals 58 (1+20+37).

Donald = Great Chief
John = God is gracious
Trump = Maker of trumpets

So, our president’s name means Grace and it also translates to Noah (Noah means grace to the Hebrew).


The Lord is requiring us to change the shift of our focus. The focus is so much on what we hear and what we see going on around us. That is not the issue – that is not as important. The focus needs to agree with what He is doing. We need to connect with what He is doing in this earth. That supersedes everything else.


The word for 2019 is purity because the last Charismatic move was perfectly wonderful but the move had a lot of mixture in it. I don’t think the Lord will let the next move be that way.

The Lord wants to build the Chapel on Prayer Mountain through people who are not building something for themselves or trying to build themselves up or make a name for themselves. He wants people who are dedicated to Him and living pure lives. People who are gentle and loving and want to show the heart of the Father. God is looking for how much of Christ has been formed in us, if we live fleshly lives, or if we have Christ filled souls.


Totally refined gold is transparent.