The Second Revelation

Once in Moravian Falls, the second revelation given to me concerned prayer and the angels stationed here. It also showed angels from far and wide coming to carry prayer to those in need.

VISION: 1997

Moravian Falls, NC (Friday AM)

As I prayed this morning, the angelic beings here on this mountain began to congregate and circle the cabin.

They seemed excited – activated by the prayers I was praying in tongues.

There seemed to be hundreds and perhaps even thousands – not only those here but the angelic beings coming from over the mountains in all directions – joining those here in their circular flight.

My hands were together in prayer. The hands together seem to be an unbroken circle – like making a connection that multiplies the power.

As I prayed it was as though sparks or orts of light were released upward… released in some way by the prayers.

These sparks or orts of light – like fire flies were caught in the hands of angel after angel.

These sparks or orts of light were cupped within their hands. Immediately they flew in the direction from which they came.

They were taking the light to share in some dark areas. Perhaps that which was of God was released through the prayers. These prayers would be used to extend the light of Jesus Christ to someone for salvation or healing, etc.

The longer I prayed the more sparks or orts flew upward and the more were carried by the angels to other areas… each spark or ort cupped within the angel’s hands.

From Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary:

SPARK – a small glowing piece of matter especially one thrown off by a fire or a small discharge from an electric current.

ORT – a scrap of food left from the larger meal.

I felt as though these prayers were serving the purposes of God for His glory.

Jesus flew to me:
“Come,” He said.
I rose to meet Him.

He took me to His nest on earth and showed me the view.

“From here, Anna.”

Prayers Carrying the Light

The second vision from the Lord after we arrived in Moravian Falls, concerned part of our duties to Him on earth: prayer. Here the Lord shows that the prayers from this location will be carried by angels to those in need.

We ask ourselves if that doesn’t happen everywhere? Yes, of course it does. But there are certain locations on earth that allow us to be right in the center of God’s will for us… (Moses being called up on the mountain to receive the tablets from God, etc.

I will give you a modern-day instance of placing someone in a location to benefit the lives of others.


After living many years in Independence, Missouri, the Lord had Bob sell his home and move to Florida. He really did not know people there and the home he found was way out from town. Few people were living out there.

Since he was miles out and connected with no particular group, he visited many congregations and became friends with pastors of many denominations and ethnic backgrounds. Because his mantle came from a holy, African man, he always felt at home in African-American churches.


When the national election for president began their campaigns, Bob Jones prophesied that the Lord was giving America a “burning bush” (for the race was between Al Gore and George Bush).

The panhandle of Florida leaned heavily Democratic. However, because of Bob Jones’ personal relationship with the area pastors and their belief in his prophetic word about George Bush (especially the African American Churches) they voted for Bush.


It was reported by most of the media that Bush won that election because of the vote in the Panhandle. Basically, they reported that it was the African American vote in the Florida Panhandle that won that particular election.

God called Bob Jones into the Panhandle of Florida for His purposes.


My husband and I were present to witness it all… and were amazed. It was obvious that He had moved Bob Jones into Florida to put His hand on that national election.


Being called to Moravian Falls or any other location is the same. I will speak of this location because it is one I know. Moravian Falls may be “out in the boonies” as they say, but God has a mighty work He wishes to accomplish here. Therefore, each person needs to be called.

Also, one may be called for only part of the time. My husband was such a one. He went to the top and prayed five or six hours a day for God’s will to be done on Prayer Mountain. He is now with the Lord – but he had a part. Others may buy and maintain the land for a period of time. They have their part. As Paul said in 1 Cor 3:6-7:

6. I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

7. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

After all, we serve the Lord. It is His business we are about. His will be done – not ours.


Also, it is our Lord’s character that we are called to show. If in all of our labors for Him, we cannot also show forth His character we are laboring in the flesh… and works of the flesh will be burned up.


When the Lord said “from here” in the vision, He was saying that I was to live in a place of intimacy with Him (the nest) up high (which is above the “flesh”).