September 2017 – THE GAP

[Recently I was asked a question by a pastor’s wife – and in answering it – I felt many of us may be passing through the same test. Therefore, I am writing on a little addressed spiritual truth… “the gap”.]

Dear friend,

I cannot tell if you are under extraordinary attack or if the Lord is moving you higher in rank in this ongoing spiritual battle.

In each case the answer is the same… “having done all, to STAND.”

Now this standing is not tensing and holding on but instead giving a big sigh and relaxing – resting while standing. If you know your brothers and sisters are going through the same bashing from the enemy, it is helpful. Like the most persecuted man around – our president – who is still going to Bible studies and allowing pastors to pray for him. Can you imagine what he is facing each day?

When moving into a higher spiritual rank, you move out of the protection that has been formed by being in a certain place for years. In other words, you have learned to handle that level of demon. Now you have passed whatever tests that are required to be allowed to take on higher callings for the kingdom. So, you are being advanced in rank (so to speak).


When being promoted, we move out from under the established protection to a “no man’s land” – to where our flesh has not been as challenged and to where we are no longer dealing with the old familiar, lesser demons.

As we move into this unprotected territory, we begin to make fleshly mistakes as well as to get hit by those stronger demons that are waiting for us in that higher, exposed area. The tests are harder. They last longer. Often, we begin to feel persecuted by man and God – abandoned – unloved. Unless we are extremely mature (but still passing tests – remember Jesus in the wilderness) we will wallow in self-pity as well as the feeling of abandonment. In other words – we will incorrectly discern what is happening spiritually and instead of discerning correctly, begin to question ourselves and even God.

“Why?” is the most repeated question.

Therefore, if after repentance the question is still “why?” then the answer is not sin.


Suddenly you realize you are not as mature spiritually as you thought. Moving out into the greater light has exposed glaring, unresolved problems in your flesh nature. The Lord has exposed these grave pockets of “flesh” in order to give you the opportunity to deal with them – to allow the cross to work in your life in a deeper way. Of course, where there is raw “flesh” there are “flesh” eating demons… like blood sucking flies that sting and infect.

So, what removes the blood suckers? As soon as their torments alert you to their presence, ask the Lord what let them in. Then repent.

But – just being sorry for your thoughts and actions will not clear them away permanently. You must ask for the root in your flesh that has not been surrendered to the cross of Christ. The more of your “flesh” that has been replaced by Christ Himself, the more of your soul is being saved.

You know, many brethren have a very true saying: I am saved (the salvation experience moving from death into life.) I am being saved (the replacing of our natural soul life with the life of Christ – for only that which is of Christ will pass through to the Father.) I will be saved – the resurrection of the body.


When we move from one level to another level spiritually, it is a little like going from grade school to middle school. Remember those days? You had to start all over again, so to speak. We too, start again when we advance.

“Higher levels, higher devils”, is the saying. As we move into the new level we, like those entering middle school, are not as steady on our feet… we have “bigger things” to deal with. However, it is God Almighty who is entrusting us with more power and authority (when we finally learn to stand.) He is calling us on. He is the One who needs our greater service and He is the One who is urging us to draw closer to Him – to know Him better.

Therefore, when you are “in the gap”, rejoice for you will mature, (if so be you love the Lord more than your fleshy soul life) and you will learn to battle and defeat these greater demons, (if so be you are willing to live a sanctified life giving them no ground on which to set up camp.)

Although when we at first move into a greater anointing and are given more authority, we are wobbly and unsure, we are still beginning to stand… maybe not well, but to stand. Struggling, but standing. Therefore, after a while, the light of understanding begins to break through to us.


We are not being persecuted or wrongfully tested. We are being taught and trained and, oh my word, promoted. We are growing stronger. Now we are raising to an upright position. Our heads are lifting and our eyes are clearer – more focused on the goal given to us by

God and we have “toughened-up”. We are a greater threat to the kingdom of darkness.

Therefore rejoice – we will learn to stand in this new and more intense warfare – and regain our joy. We will be of greater use to our Lord and to His people – and we will be entrusted with more power and authority.


The “gap” has its place in our training. It always comes as a surprise but is always appreciated after passing through it.