May 19th, 2006: Friday – Wait upon Me

May 19th, 2006: Friday

“Anna,” the Lord called.

“Here I am, Lord.”

“My purposes are being accomplished. I am come to bring light and revelation. I will come bearing My glory – that the weight of My glory may rest in this place. As in days of old, I will walk with My people and we will talk as I did with their forefathers.”

“Nothing will be hidden from those who come here,” He said. “As with Moses, we will speak face to face. I am burning away the dark cloud that has obscured me. The fire of My love will accomplish this – for I am reaching out to My children as in the days of yore. Wait upon Me; for I will speak to My children out of My glory.” 


May 20th, 2006: Saturday

Al and I drove to Fort Mill today. Albert had forgotten his clothes for the wedding, so we drove back to Moravian Falls to pick them up. All in all, we spent six hours on the road– what with getting lost, perhaps seven hours in all. What a day.

May 21, 2006: Sunday

Bob and Bonnie’s wedding day. We were able to sit in the reserved section – right behind Christine Potter and JoAnne McFatter.

We ate at the wedding and then returned to the Motel 8 at number 888 on the road.