The real battle is spiritual. This month’s series of revelations will complete the chronicling of a demonic attack and the Lord’s response to that attack. I realize it is somewhat rare that a demonic attack is carefully recorded and perhaps even rarer to chronicle God’s response carried to its full conclusion.

Why, we may ask? Mainly because victory in the battle may come years after the initial attack. Being human, we lose sight of the story because of the years between.

But with this account, we do have the full story… which, incidentally began in 2008 but the outcome was initiated only recently, (nine years later in 2017). But it shows God’s faithfulness. As the word says about the vision that though it tarry, it will come.

Habakkuk 2:2-3
2. “Then the Lord answered me and said,
‘Record the vision
And inscribe it on tablets
That the one who reads it may run.
3. For the vision is yet for the appointed time;
It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
For it will certainly come, it will not delay.’”


1. A red dragon: False Fire built a nest on land that would be needed as a passage to Prayer Mountain.

2. This piece of land did not belong to the ministry… therefore, I did not have direct spiritual ownership. (You have spiritual authority over land that you legally own.) But the red dragon was defiling the atmosphere for all wishing to communicate with God on Prayer Mountain. Therefore, we asked the Lord how to rid the land of this demon. The journal pages telling of this question and God’s answer, start in this website in October 2017 in the sections on Angels, Personal and Teaching – then November 2017 in Angels, Personal and Teaching and now conclude in December, in sequence, in Angels, Personal and Teaching.

3. We did all that God instructed, plus prayer – fervent prayer to cleanse the land.

4. The Lord acted in “the natural” through a lightning storm – then in the spiritual, through His lightning strike of the demon False Fire.
1 Corinthians 15:46 – “However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.”

5. However, although striking the demon, a residue was left. The residue facilitated an Under Way to be opened. This Under Way gave access up to the earth’s surface and thus giving open access to minor demons and to the enemy’s work beneath the earth’s surface.

6. It also gave rise to a filthy vortex – the opposite of the glorious rainbow vortex on the top of Prayer Mountain.

7. Demons were using this filthy vortex as a passageway to the second heaven, Satan’s headquarters – just as the open heaven in the rainbow vortex on top of Prayer Mountain is used by angels ascending into heaven and descending to earth.

So – one battle was won but not the war. As we know, our God fights in unique ways. Perhaps that is the lesson from this account. We cannot battle using formulas. Instead, we must, as good soldiers, listen to and follow the commands of our Great General… because He is indeed, unique and His ways are not our ways.

Now – for the rest of the story:



A large, satyr-like creature came out of the Under Way and began attacking the angelic workers that were laying the stones for the new fortress.

This fortress encircled the top of Prayer Mountain, all the way down to include the ministry location and the house that would in nine years be the location of the present guest house.

The angels were building a fortress to protect the Lord’s work. They actually excavated the land for the wall’s foundation.

It was taking these angelic workers a little longer to excavate the land (for the foundation of the fortress that will encircle the two properties) than it did to excavate the foundation for the fortress on the ridge. I suppose this was due to the fact that work was being done daily on the ministry location that the witches burned down in late 2007.

So, actual physical building was going on in the area as well as the spiritual building.


Almost as quickly as the demonic attack on the workers began, warriors from the ridge came to protect them.

Then like a swarm of locusts, from the Under Way poured black hornets with yellow upon their armor. They began to attack the angelic warriors by massing against each fighter. It was horrible to watch.

There are hornets used by God as in the following scriptures:

“Yahweh your God will send hornets to destroy those who remain and hide you.” Deuteronomy 7:20.

“I shall spread panic ahead of you: I shall throw into confusion all the enemy you encounter; I shall make all your enemies turn and run from you. I shall send hornets in front of you to drive out your enemy from your presence.” Exodus 23:27-28.

“I put your enemies all into your power. I sent out hornets in front of you, which drove the two kings before you; this was not the work of your sword or your bow.” Joshua 24:12.

In this instance, the hornets (definitely) were a demonic counter attack.

Then down through the rainbow vortex came hundreds of reinforcements to assist God’s warrior angels stationed on the ridge.

The Lord’s host would throw balls of light at the swarming hornets. They would – in slow motion – tumble away from the fighting angels – almost as though they were under water. The light stunned them, however, and caused them to disengage.

The satyrs were still running at the Lord’s warrior angels – trying to bite them in their stomachs.

These satyrs were being slashed with the angelic warriors’ swords. They would yipe like wounded dogs, once hit, and would back off to retreat down the dark hole of the Under Way.

The battle was fierce – and would have been bloody if there was blood in these fighters.

The wounded construction workers (angelic) were helped to the ridge and ultimately to the vortex to travel above for healing. There were wounded angelic warriors also.

Work on the new fortress ceased temporarily until the healings could take place.


1. The Lord’s angels are taken to the throne of the Father when wounded in battle; He heals them. Yes, they can be hurt. Otherwise there would be no need for warrior angels to be sent to protect. We realize that our own spirits can be wounded in a demonic attack. Well, these are pure spirit. They, too, can suffer wounding from a demonic attack.

2. SATYR – a sylvan (fabled) ancient deity of the woods; a faun – half man, half goat, having horns on his head, a hairy body, with the feet and tail of a goat. These demons represent lasciviousness, luridness and riot. They are irreverent, ruckus and generally undermine all that is holy and pure.

3. THE DEMONIC HORNETS – They were unusually large, like Japanese giant hornets. In the natural, they are 1¾ inches long with a wing span of 2½ inches. However, these were larger. This species is very aggressive, with a venom that attacks the nervous system and destroys tissue. In the natural the sting of the Japanese hornet can be lethal.

Proceed to the next installment under the Personal Section.
December 2017 Personal Section – The Real Battle