Sometimes it takes a long interval before dreams or prophecies become realities -especially in Moravian Falls. One such dream, held here for 24 years, is just coming into being.

It was on the hearts of many to establish a House of Prayer on Prayer Mountain. Also, the. house of prayer was prophesied by many (Kim Clement and Bob Jones being among them). But much land on that ridge was needed – not only for the chapel – but to keep the Mountain in a lush and natural state. Many wished to re-plant the native Mountain Laurel and the native Dogwoods that filled the woods 25 years ago. There were to be quiet trails dotted with sturdy benches in order to provide pleasant locations for our Father’s children to reflect and pray – as well as a chapel.

There are three lodges available in walking distance of the chapel location – thereby allowing retreatants a quiet and serene time in the beauty of the country with everything at hand without needing to use their cars to get to each location.

The early pioneers of this “hope” felt the chapel should be called “The Moravian Falls House of Prayer.”


Therefore, the early arrivals partitioned the government to acquire an official trademark. However, at that early stage, we had nothing that was required by the government to qualify us to receive that legal designation. There were several steps necessary before we could apply. One of the requirements was to have open prayer meetings on a regular basis over a lengthy period of time.

When we first began, we had only hopes and dreams. Therefore, in those early years, such an official designation was not possible.


But now, we have had open prayer meetings on Prayer Mountain for fifteen years. So, we are ready to announce that the name of “THE MORAVIAN FALLS HOUSE OF PRAYER” will be officially attached to the open prayer meetings on the top of Prayer Mountain.


Three ministries have been praying together for several years and have linked arms to see The Moravian Falls House of Prayer move into its next phase.

The original plot of land has been purchased, and discussions of a planting program to restore the native laurel and dogwood have begun.

This three-fold cord is a realization of our Father’s great desire to have “cooperation” as one of the original building blocks for His chapel. The three ministries decided to trademark the name in order to be a witness to that cooperation between brethren.


For those of us who have been standing in prayer for the whole 25 years, this step forward is a great joy. We always expect progress to be slow here (it is after all the Moravian Falls way: we stop to take off for deer season or turkey season or holidays, for too much snow or too much rain, to care for the ill or dying, for children’s programs and visiting family members, etc. – in other words, for good old fashioned country living. Some of our local shops in the nearby more populated areas of Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro still shut down half a day on Wednesday because it is Wednesday-go-to-meeting-night.)

I grew up with all the stores closing at noon on Wednesdays. But it has been a long time since my hometown, or many other hometowns have given honor to a night when people are expected to attend church.

Such is the area the Lord has chosen for The Moravian Falls House of Prayer. If moving forward takes a little longer here, we can bear with one another and with the Lord so that He may bring about His results with love and gentleness.

We are on His timetable here in Moravian Falls. We have found that “His time” makes for a much sweeter life for everyone.

May The Moravian Falls House of Prayer be permeated with His love for the brethren and with His desire for cooperation between His children – but mainly with a steadfast, unending love for our Heavenly Father – our great King.