A few years ago, a lady told me a story and it reminded me of the book of Job because she had lost everything. Even as Job lost everything except for his wife. When this lady lost everything, she told me she was filled with the joy of the Lord because she realized she had Jesus. If she had Jesus, she had everything. At that time, it was pretty much just a story to me, but during the singing of “As the deer panteth after the water brook” (Ps. 42:1 KJV), it became real to me and I understood. I hope that you will understand what that scripture means and that those words become real to you.
When we started singing, I heard the words, “Chariots of Fire”. I looked to the east and I saw the sun come up. Then I saw this chariot that was actually blocking the sun like an eclipse. The chariot was blocking the sun. It was so much brighter than the sun that it drowned the sun out. As this chariot came forth, it reminded me of the movie Top Gun. In the movie the enemy was coming, but this is just the reverse, the Lord was coming. There is a scene in the movie when the enemy was in a group, but there appeared to be only one airplane. As the group got closer it spread out. As this chariot came forth, I saw the Lord coming in the front chariot. As He got in this area here, His angels and His chariots spread out like this, and you could see many coming with the Lord.
I want to confirm that, because as we were singing, I also saw the chariots. They were very bright and definitely a flame. The flame of God. The consuming fire of God. I had an encounter recently with the Lord. I was going up steps in a very large, large place. There were a lot of people there and they were looking at the stairs. I began walking up the stairs, and as I walked into this place there were beautiful silks hanging in different locations from . . . I do not know; I could not see what they were hanging from as it was so high. As I walked through them, I began to understand that I was going into a place that seemed very dark. The place was a dark cloud and for a moment I was hesitant. I saw other people hesitating, too.
Then God started talking to me about how He hides Himself in darkness (Ps. 18:11 NKJV). He is calling His people in. He wants us to walk into that secret, hidden place. He hides Himself there and the days are now upon us where we are have to be that close and that intimate with Him. We have to walk into that place of darkness where He is. It is a place of complete intimacy with Him. It is the secret place of the Most High God, and He is calling us there. In that place, we are then changed. Everything within us that needs to be reconstructed and changed, begins to be moved out of the way, such as the gold and silver of this world.
He has been talking to me about how we need to let go of the things of this world. A freedom comes in the death to the things of this world. A freedom that we have not walked in yet. A place we have not walked in yet, but He wants us to, and He is beckoning us to be there with Him. The cry from the heart of the Father is that we would begin to walk in this secret place and let go of the things of this world and press into this place of intimacy. Even if it seems dark, it is so holy. It is so holy. It is so holy, that we cannot go there holding onto anything. We have got to leave it behind before we begin to ascend those steps and come into the holy place with God. He wants us to come. He needs us to come. It is by His heart that we come. Because from that place we are going to be able to bring heaven down.
I lift them up, Father God. There is much turmoil going on in the Body of Christ and we know, Father, that judgement is being brought to the house of God first (I Pet. 4:17). We know and understand judgement is coming to the house of God now because it is time for the world to be judged and judgement is coming quickly. The house of God must be judged first. We submit ourselves, Father God, as the Body of Christ before You. We ask that as the shaking takes place, people begin to press into You, they begin to seek You. May they not fall apart, not fall away, because of what is taking place in the Body of Christ. May they take an accounting of themselves. May they look inside themselves and begin to say “What have I done? What have I contributed to what has gone on in this body? What have I not done that I should have done? Did I pray, Father God, for the leaders? Did I pray for those in authority as I should in the Body of Christ?”
I ask that You begin to give them an understanding of the times and the seasons. We are now moving into a new age. We are now moving into a new time in God. What we think and how we have done it in the past, as men in this earth, is not going to stand in this shaking. The ways of God are going to become known in this earth. There is going to be a people that know the ways of God and are going to operate in the ways of God. It is very different than the ways of man. I ask, Father God, for the Body of Christ, that You would grant to us repentance. Grant us an understanding. Grant to us the anointing of Issachar. May we know, see, understand and be enabled to stand in righteousness. We have not shown this world Yeshua. We repent that we have not shown them Yeshua! Instead we have shown them the world’s systems. We have shown them the world’s programs. We have shown them the world’s greed. But we have not shown them Yeshua. God, we are so sorry! Please forgive us!
The time is coming when a people is going to come out of this earth and show the world, Yeshua. They are going to show the world who You are. I pray for those people, Father God, that they begin to come forth. I pray that You would put a burning in their hearts. A relentless burning that they cannot ignore any longer, a desire to come to You. They have to press into You, and they have to know Your ways. Your ways are very different than what we have known. They are very different than what we think. Heaven is very different than what we understand. Father God, I thank You. I pray for this people to come forth now, in Yeshua’s name.
The Lord is saying to me that the time is now that we have to make a decision. Are we in or are we out? Have we counted the cost and are we willing to pay it? Are we willing to pay the price to be part of what He is going to do in this earth? It is beyond anything that we can imagine. It is beyond anything we have ever given thought to or have any understanding of. His ways are so much higher than our ways. There is a price to be paid and there is a decision to be made, and each one has to make it for themselves.
The Lord spoke to me about Ephesians 6:10-18, 10 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” (New King James Version).
A while back, not that long ago, the Lord gave me a vision. It was a vision of myself as a younger man. I was in battle array, like chainmail and I was on the ground holding my shield up. There was a fire demon just beating down on my shield, like a fiery club. I was waiting for the next blow, or the next blow, to see which one was going to finish me. The demon was banging my shield. I looked over my shield and this silver lance went straight through the demon and it shriveled up. I looked up and saw it was Jesus. He was on a white charger, His tzitzit hung down His side. I looked at His face. He had on a gold crown. He had silver on, and He had a gold crown. I looked at His smile… (Do you remember Guy Williams who played Zorro and the dad on “Lost In Space”?) I looked at Him and thought, “He has Guy Williams’ smile,” and He just rode off into the battle.
He is there even when you are beaten down and you think the situation is hopeless, He is there. He is your Salvation. He is the whole armor of God. It is found in Yeshua.
We have got to understand there are going to be two brides. There will be a bride that will marry this world. That bride may look beautiful and have many things that look appealing, but that bride is not married to the King. There is a Bride that will marry the King and He is a man of war, He is Lord Sabaoth. He is the Commander and Chief of angel armies. We must understand that we are in a war. This is not a game. The enemy plays for keeps and our King plays for keeps.
Be diligent in your pursuit for God, for wisdom, for understanding, for revelation, and for discernment. Discernment in the days ahead will be very important. May we be able to discern between that which is right and that which is wrong, that which is good and that which is evil. It is imperative that we seek the Father, that we have a discerning heart and that we know truth when we see it and when we hear it. May we not be deceived by the bride that marries the world, no matter how beautiful it looks.