Prophetic Words from our June 2019 Meetings – June 7, 2019


The Lord brought me up and I was sitting with Christ. And then He stood before the throne and the Father just reached in and pulled out my heart and threw it and He grabbed His and shoved it in me.

And I saw the angels, they’re still here, they’re just everywhere like they are just full to the ceiling. But those that are to the ceiling are just observing. Like the Lord said, they look into what it is that we have and they long for that; because they are created beings. And He’s shown me the ones outside that were the warring angels that are standing.

That the prayers that are in this place, and sister when you opened up in prayer, as soon as you started, everything that you said, the Father was there, and the angels were just dispatched.

And He brought the scripture to me from Galatians where He says:

“For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27 ESV).

Put on Christ.


“I heard the sound of trumpets blowing in the spirit realm and I saw seven trumpets around the throne of God and they were sounding one alarm: one sound,” says the Lord.

“And from the throne of God came a great River and the River’s been flowing throughout all time – from the beginning of time until the end of time,” says the Lord, “and from that River came tributaries, small streams – smaller rivers coming off.”

The Lord says, “What you’re hearing in the spirit realm in this hour is that those rivers are slapping together, and they are intertwining, they are intermixing.”

The Lord says that, “Have I not prophesied upon this mountain and have I not spoken to you clearly, that the mouths of the prophets need to arise in this hour with discernment?”

Even now the fire, the fire, the fire of God is separating prophets and those that are soothsayers, and those that are moving in a strange fire will be consumed.

“But those that are truly called of My name,” says the Lord, “you will know them by the fire that is upon them. They need to rise to the mountain and direct the fire that flows from this place.”

This place is sealed. This place has a fire around it. Zechariah 2:5 says:

“And I will be to her [Israel] a wall of fire all around, declares the LORD, and I will be the glory in her midst” (ESV).

“For there are rivers and streams flowing off the mountain that are fire, and there are angels in the fire, and they wait for the prophets to speak and the prophets to decree a thing,” says the Lord, “and I will cause it to come to pass.”

“There’s a shaking. There’s a great shaking, but there’s a mighty wave of righteousness and holiness coming across this nation,” says the Lord, “and I will restore. I am opening the wells, the old wells. I am uncapping them. Yea, and they will drink, and they will be refreshed.”

The Lord says, “You need to remember. You need to remember. You need to remember.”

Take the stone of remembrance and hold it up before the Lord: “For it is an anointed stone,” said God, “it is an anointed stone, for in you is My presence. You have the Urim and you have the Thummim. Speak,” says God. “Speak,” says God, “and it will be established.”


While we were singing, there was an old man covered in an old dirty robe and he was toiling, he was tugging and behind him, he was rolling out a red carpet. We are anew in our armor of God. We are bright! We are shining! We are walking and the old works don’t work anymore. It’s the new, we are new in Christ and we shine! Our armor is shining, and we march in two by two. And the Lord said, “That’s the Church; they will march in two by two.”


I saw Jesus pushing a wheelbarrow and people were standing along the side and just asking for things and He was gladly giving the gifts, distributing as they were asked.


That is the coming revival. Whether you’ve ever been at the birth of a real revival, a real, great move of God, those that were in the beginning in the early sixties of the charismatic movement, said that they were astounded because they were like children. Whatever they asked for, the Lord gave it to them. It was like their steps were bathed in butter.


Everything that is being said here today, the glory of the Lord, the power of the Lord, that we so dearly seek – we can have it all, God is saying. He wants to release the power to us, for the signs, and wonders and miracles to take place.

But God is saying, we must get in our hearts right. God is calling for a transformation in our hearts to be pure, He is saying. So, we have got to go before Him and lay out before Him to get that transformation in our hearts.

So God will release that power that we so want – to be back in the time when those things happened. And they should happen every day. When miracles happen, we should not be in awe.

“Everybody here today should get what they are looking for,” He said. “Whatever you came for – it should happen,” the Lord is saying.


Pay attention to the words that are being spoken here today – words of increase. Isaiah 54:2 says:

“Enlarge the place of your tent; Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; Lengthen your cords And strengthen your pegs” (NASB).

Hold back nothing. We’re not preppers. We’re not bearing into holes in the ground. We’re not storing things up against a cataclysmic onslaught. We are expanding. We are holding nothing back. The Lord says:

2…Lengthen your cords And strengthen your pegs. 3 For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left. And your descendants will possess nations And will resettle the desolate cities” (Isaiah 54:2-3 NASB).

We are moving out of an age and into a new age. We are moving out from the place of a wilderness – a place of where God was around us and God was bringing us through – into an age in which we now are stepping into the fullness of the destiny, the fullness of the inheritance, set before us. And the Lord is saying to us in this that there must be a letting go of what once was and embracing what is. We must let go of those things that once were and embrace the things that are now.
He says increase is coming; it’s coming, so enlarge – and it’s coming to me, it was coming to me, even as I was thinking of this, like a sound of a trumpet, like a clarion call, and there is that door standing open. We see it. What took place with the Apostle John is for us as well. It’s as easy to step through and to be in that place and to see from that place as it is to breathe. We are created for this. So, be encouraged in this time, for the Lord says that everything that you have held in your hearts you are going to be holding in your hands, for these are the days of increase.

Yes, be alert; be vigilant. Step into the place where I’ve called you to be. Pay attention to where I’m leading you and directing you, for you shall be a flourishing tree, a flourishing olive tree in My house. The days ahead are days of great glory. The ones that are stepping forward – the shining ones, the burning ones of God – are stepping forward in this new age that we are moving into and all of hell is shaking and all of hell is trembling, not the shaking in the earth realm. It’s not the shaking of the coming down of the Church, but all of the principalities and powers of darkness are being shaken and crumbling into dust at the advancement of the Lord and the advancement of His Kingdom. So, enlarge; don’t hold back. Give everything. Push forward.


As he was saying, “Press forward and coming forth, push forward,” my body was set on fire. I felt the fire of the Lord all over me. So, the Lord is saying as the holy fire comes it’s a holy fire to purify us to remove all the strongholds that are in us. It’s a purifying fire.

So we will become pure with a pure heart. As we worship, and that’s the key that the Lord is saying to us, that the worship is the key for us to come to the throne room. That we will fill with the fire of the Lord so we will have a pure heart before Him.


“They’re coming from the north, the east, the west and the south, to receive answers. I have put the answers in your mouth,” ‘sayeth the Lord’. “Be mindful, be mindful, they’re in the streets, they’re in the stores. Don’t just wait in the house, take Me out of the box!”

Hallelu Yah, Jesus! Yes! “Yes! This is the hour. Go forth! Don’t wait any longer. There’s healing in the streets, there are healings in the schoolhouse. Be ready, be alert. Don’t wait any longer. They’re waiting on you! The sons and the daughters of the Most High. You must show forth your light. Let your light so shine that men may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.”

“Be ready, this is the hour, don’t wait any longer. Don’t wait any longer for the harvest is white, but the laborers are few. I’m calling forth My bride, now.” In the Name of Jesus, we pray.


The Lord wants me to say two things to this group. The first thing is there’s an old poem and I’m going to try to remember it accurately and then I’m going to explain it. The second thing is a picture and I’m going to explain what the Lord wants to do with that picture, and you’ll see how they mesh.

First, the poem.

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of the shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of the rider the battle was lost.
For want of the battle the war was lost.

Now, whether you think of yourself or whether you are a little bit jealous or not. Whether you want to be an eye in the body of Christ or you want to be a mouth in the body of Christ or whether you’re a little toe in the body of Christ, you are important. Even if you do not know it.

For want of the nail the war was lost.

Get in your place. We’ve had a lot of words about getting in your place. Do not be jealous of the eye. Do not be jealous of the mouth. Get in your place.

For through that missing nail the war was lost.

The second thing is, I was looking at that picture on the wall of Jesus hugging a delighted lady and the name of that picture is “The First Day In Heaven”. I’ll tell you what the Lord said to me about that picture.

If you’re a nail, or a little toe or whether you’re an eye or a mouth; that’s your picture! That’s how Jesus thinks of you.

Now, when I was looking at that, like I said, the picture was called, “The First Day In Heaven” and the Lord said to me (and I’m saying to you), “That’s the thousandth day in Heaven, that’s the millionth day in Heaven, that’s eternity in Heaven.” Whether you’re a nail, a little toe, an eye or a mouth, that’s you with Jesus throughout eternity.

So, don’t be jealous of the eye, don’t be jealous of the mouth. Get in your place. Be satisfied with what the Lord has called you to because the eye and the mouth will rejoice in their call and the nail and the little toe will rejoice in their call.

That’s the word to you. Put it in your hearts and guard it.