Prophetic Words from our June 2019 Meetings – June 28, 2019


The seeds (words spoken here) will grow and somehow the Lord has made a provision for the fruit to go all the way around the world from here. I don’t understand it, but the seed that is deposited here will bear fruit and grow and the fruit will go all around the world. Thank you, Lord.


It is our Pastor’s heart to unify the churches in Wilkes County through prayer. The model given to him is that each church will take one day and pray 24 hours. Already this model has started to show fruit. There is one Full Gospel church and about eight Baptist churches that have pledged themselves to pray. Thank you Lord, for that and we pray for all of Wilkes County, that this boils over into the Alexander, Watauga, Ashe, Surry and all the counties surrounding, Lord, and then throughout the state and continuing throughout the nation. Lord, we thank You that the seed will scatter, that the seed will be planted in other pastor’s hearts to bring their churches into agreement with You. We just thank You and praise You, in the name of Yeshua.


About fourteen years ago, back in about 2005, Carol and I were moving up here and a really good friend of ours gave us a prophetic word. He said he saw a tower where we were going to go, and that the Word, from the place that we were going would be broadcast around the world. There is the tower, (pointing to the broadcasting towers on Pores Knob) and this is the place that the Word has been and will be broadcast around the world. That was 14 years ago.


About the church and fruit you mentioned in the different counties, I saw a man from North Carolina, and there were these torches in each county to fulfill what this man prophesied, and it is going to happen. And we were asking God for harvest, and God said He is going to answer that prayer. People that will stand up and unite in every county, in Jesus’ name.


Lord help us not to offend others so that they might not want to come into Your presence. Lord help us to love as You love. Help our love to be greater than our own messages, that Your love might prevail. Lord I remember a prophecy that was given, of the fire of God from Wilkes County to Charlotte – that there would be a fire burning from Wilkes County to Charlotte. I am just reminded of that prophecy and Lord by the authority that is in the name of Jesus, I want to pull that prophesy back into reality. I want to pull that prophecy that is in the heavenlies to this earth, that this fire might touch the ground between here and Charlotte and that it might become ablaze to burn with the power of Your Spirit. I pull that prophecy by the very drawing of Your Spirit, believing that it is in agreement with Your heart oh God.


Alan, when you were praying that last prayer, it kind of reminded me of a couple of scriptures here. The first one is Habakkuk chapter 2, it says:
2 “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. 3For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come…” (Habakkuk 2:2-3, New King James Version).

Now, here’s the response. It’s in Ezekiel chapter 12, verse 23:

“Tell them, therefore, Thus says the Lord God: ‘I will lay this proverb to rest, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel. But say to them, the days are at hand, and the fulfillment of every vision.’” (Ezekiel 12:23, New King James Version).


As we gather here today there’s a spirit of unity and oneness in the heart of God. So, I want to yield to the Spirit. As we were praying, I saw this angel standing in the middle on the mountain and he is glorious in stature and size, and he is holding a lamp in his hand. And the lamp’s light is going forth.

I want to release what I saw the Lord doing. I have four keys with me. I was asking God, “God, how do you want me to share these keys?”

I’m hearing the Lord say, “Lift up your heads, oh ye gates. Lift up your head, oh ye gates because the King of Glory wants to come through you.” Then I heard Him say, “Just pull those keys out.”

I took these keys with me to Egypt and to Jerusalem. The Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Pass the keys along and let everyone hold these keys to understand the depths of what I am doing in this hour because you are truly my gates and I want you to open the gates. Open the gates of the region.” Pass the keys along. You can jiggle them because you are the gatekeepers and you’ve got the keys in your hands.

Then I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “These keys will open up the four chambers of your hearts, and I will cause a sense of My Spirit, of deep repentance and reconciliation, and healing and wholeness that is that is going to come from you, and it’s going to permeate throughout the nations and throughout the land and throughout the mountains and throughout the regions, through space and I will cause a sense of true hearts turning back to Me. I’m opening up the chambers of your heart and I’m going to start with you. I’m going to move throughout the land, and I want you to know that you are the gatekeepers. You are the gatekeepers and I’m calling you, gatekeepers to lift up your heads. Lift up your heads and look around. Open, open the gates because I want to flow through you mightily,” says the Spirit of the Lord.

You’re crying out for revival. You’re crying out for a move of God, God says that move is going to start within your hearts first. Heart first. Heart first. Heart first. This is what I hear, “Heart first.” So, we just release this “heart first” anointing, if there is such a “heart first” anointing. From the top, from the head to the toe, from the head to the robes, to the feet to the paths of all the leaders. Down through every single member of the congregation; heart first.

God says “See yourself holding those keys and carrying those keys because I am doing something new this hour. I have a secret weapon that I’m going to be releasing, and that secret weapon is the women that are hidden.”

Even God says “I am causing them to be stirred even as Deborah was called to be a prophet and a judge: to speak for righteousness and justice in the land. I’m stirring up and I’m raising up these women all over the world, these global Deborah’s united in the nations to speak righteously and to speak justly for justice in the land. And I’m even causing a new wave for the Barak’s to rise up because the Barak’s waited, they waited for the prophetic word. They said essentially that if God doesn’t go with us, we’re not going. If we do not have the prophetic word that is the Word of Lord, then we’re not going.”

And I thank You, God, that these are the men that You are raising up. These that are waiting for the Word of the Lord and they will respond. These are the ones God is raising up in these days: men and women who will go forth and release the justice of God, release the righteousness of God, cause the nation to return again to righteousness and holiness and purity. He’s raising up this highway and He’s causing us to lift up a standard of righteousness and holiness again in the land. Removing the stones of offense, the stones of stumbling, the stones of confusion, and oppression and back biting and gossiping.

God is saying, “I am removing this from the midst of my people because I am opening the gates and am causing My glory to come through My people.” The King of Glory. “You are my people and I’m giving you the keys, even the keys of David and the doors that I’m going to open no one can shut. No one can shut. I’m moving in the land releasing and I’m showing forth my keys in a mighty way and I’m going to open doors that you have been praying to be opened. You have been praying and waiting, and I’m opening these doors in this hour and I’m releasing My keys to bring forth My righteousness and My order in the land,” says the spirit of the Lord.


I saw a vision in which there were white vessels with blue paint on them, a blue pattern. I felt the Lord encouraging us that we are new vessels. We are to see ourselves as new vessels, to be new vessels. He’s pouring new, He’s pouring anew in today. The old is gone, the new is in. In Jesus’ name.

Dylan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         You have shaken wickedness out of its high place. Now we shake every wicked work in this region out of its place. We deny it to operate in the name of Jesus, the name that is above every name. Father God you have a power that cannot be insulted. Your power is above every other power. And let the people of this world once again know your name, that every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Father God, I thank You that no longer will Christians be walking around only speaking, but they will also be demonstrating Your power, because Your Word says the Kingdom of God is not in word alone, but the demonstration of power; the demonstration of power. So, Father God, I just thank you for the anointing to come on every single man and woman of God’s household and put it in order, Lord. Because You have said the rain is coming and if we do not prepare the harvest and do not prepare the ground, and remove the rocks from our families, from our hearts, Lord, we will miss…

And the Lord said I must read this scripture in Proverbs 20 verse 4:

“The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore, shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.” (King James Version).

Where I come from in Africa winter isn’t just cold and snow, it’s drought. Drought. So, when you go through winter it’s surviving without water and the crops and the ground get so dry that it cracks. When the rains come you smell it. You smell the rain in Africa before it comes. Without the rain the people know that there won’t be a harvest and there won’t be life in certain regions in Africa. And God’s telling us once again that we have to have faith no matter how dry it has been, no matter how dry the ground has got. If we do not plan now, if we do not remove the rocks now, we will miss what He has in store for us in the season coming.


Lord we call upon You to bring that rain, up to the ankles, up to the knees, up to the thighs and to swim in Lord! We want everything that You have for us now Lord, that we might stand for You in these days to come, that we might stand for You Lord. That they might see the “body of Christ” here on this earth. That You might see the character of Christ here on this earth Lord with us. We ask this in Jesus name.


May I read 2 scriptures that the Lord gave me? It says in Isaiah 30, verse 29:

29 “But the people of God will sing a song of solemn joy, like songs in the night when holy feasts are held; his people will have gladness of heart, as when a flutist leads a pilgrim band to Jerusalem to the mountain of the Lord, the Rock of Israel. 30 And the Lord shall cause his majestic voice to be heard and shall crush down his mighty arm upon his enemies with angry indignation and devouring flames, with tornados, terrible storms, and huge hailstones.” (TLB)

So, He will destroy His enemies.

And then He said, “I will tell you who can live on this mountain.”

I want to say as soon as I came in, the first scriptures that the Lord gave me were these two scriptures. I fell down on my knees and I prayed, and I asked the Lord, what are You saying to me as I enter the land, and these were the two scriptures. The second scripture is this:

15 “I will tell you who can live here: All who are honest and fair, who reject making profit by fraud, who hold back their hands from taking bribes, who refuse to listen to those who plot murder, who shut their eyes to all enticement to do wrong. 16 Such as these shall dwell on high.” (Isaiah 33:15-16 TLB)

Those are the ones who will dwell here.

God is saying, “I will tell you who will dwell on this mountain.”

It tells me that God is going to uproot, He’s going to overthrow, He’s going to tear down, He’s going to destroy and He’s going to build His plan and His purpose, and He is going to decide who shall live on this mountain. You will see those He will remove; He will remove those who are not in alignment to His will, His plans and his purpose, and His righteous ways

I will decide, says the Lord, who will live on this mountain.

It’s, because when we read here in Isaiah 33:15, “…Who plot murder,” it’s like an enemy destroys our purposes, our destinies, our plans, our dreams, all the intentions that God has for us.

And God says, “Do not listen to people who actually speak words to destroy your purpose, your dreams. Do not listen to them.” He says, “I will not have those living on this mountain.” That’s what He’s saying.

And He says in Isaiah 33:15, “[Those] who shut their eyes to all [evil] enticement to do wrong” – they’re enticed to do wrong, but we shut our ears from listening to those.”

And God says, “I am not going to allow those to be on My mountain, those people who speak evil – who speak against people’s dreams, the purposes of God, the destinies in their lives, My plans. God says, those people will not live here because of their murderous spirit. They want to destroy My plans and My purposes.”

The murderous spirit destroys your reputation, your dreams, your desires, your destiny – those things that God has given you to do that align with His will. And sometimes the religious spirit comes in and disagrees with God and causes contention and strife; strife, strife, constantly striving. God says, “I will remove that.”

And this part in, Isaiah 33:16, says:

“…The rocks of the mountains will be their fortress of safety” – [that means you will have the fortress of safety, and] – “food will be supplied to them, and they will have all the water they need” – [that means God is going to supply you].

This is just amazing.


I asked the Lord, “Am I supposed to share this?” But after my brother spoke over here and my sister, I knew I was supposed to. Last year on May the 8th (I have to answer to Him what I’m about to say), I went to sit down in my living room in Portland Oregon just to relax. And this is what I heard.

“The reason women have been filled with the Word of God to the degree in which they have, is because the Holy Spirit is about to pour out on men. Women are going to become a source of backbone strength thus encouraging men that they are indeed hearing directly from the throne of God. But what is needed is that women allow men to hear from the Spirit of the Lord and to give them that freedom in the Lord so that mankind can rise back up into that place of a warrior leader that God intended for men.”