I am declaring in the name of Jesus that our children will not be stolen from us or derailed. Greater is He who is in us and around us than anything our enemy, or his demons, or the people he uses to tempt them and pull them away. Greater is He than their ability to take our children from us.
The Lord tells me, “There’s an eagle and a Dove colliding in this place.” And as He does that, a strong light, a powerful light, comes out from the collision. And God is saying: that is a collision that He is making and He is bringing to each one of us here, where He is bringing the strength of an eagle, so that we will rise up and soar and see from afar and we will be raised in boldness to fly, to prophesy – to do what the eagle does, which is, to look from afar, to look from above, with the strength to fly over the circumstances. We will be bold as an eagle, but also like the dove.
And the Dove has a humbleness and a sweetness. The sweet, sweet sound of the Holy Spirit.
And He says, “I am colliding My eagle and My Dove in you so that you will be the perfect combination of Who I am. By the Dove, I will give you the humbleness, the wisdom. I am giving you the humbleness that will draw you to My feet, so that in humbleness you will find Me, and you will find the sweetness of My love, and you will hear My voice in sweetness, because I am the sweet voice that is calling you to My presence.
“And I am pulling you to Me, as a dove is pulled, as a dove is pulled to the sweetness and to just rest. I am the rest in you. I am putting the rest of My Spirit in you, but I am colliding it with the strength of an eagle so that you will be bold to go to the enemy and you will scream with an eagle’s scream. It will be My strength in you, and in you I will give you the strength of an eagle to fly and to soar and to battle against all the storms that come against you. And you will fly over the storm because you have the strength of the eagle. But you will not be able to do it if the Dove is not in you. So, receive both, and the collision that is coming upon you will form My character in you, My strength, because I am both.”
Doves are single-focused in their vision. it’s about a vision that is focused on God; a singular vision, single-hearted devotion.
1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. 2 Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. 3 And one cried to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!”
4 And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke. 5 So I said: “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.”
6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. 7 And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.”
8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me” (Isaiah 6:1-8, New King James Version).
I see a vision of Yeshua, weeping tears down His left side of His eyes, like a side peripheral. In it there are tears that are falling onto a chessboard. And it’s falling upon the white pieces which I believe represent the saints. And on the other side, the black pieces represent the move of the enemy, and the battle that’s going on.
But what I’m seeing, why I believe the tears are there, is because on the faces of the black pieces I’m seeing people. There’s politicians, there’s other Christian leaders, I’m not going to name names or anything, but I see actual names of people, with faces on the black pieces, and He’s weeping tears because as He moves with His saints, sometimes we’re trying to knock off the people, and we’re trying to knock off the politicians and we’re trying to knock off the church, His bride, not realizing that the enemy is the one that is moving in the darkness, and we’re trying to knock off the flesh and blood versus warring in the spirit because our weapons are not of this world.
So we need to see the move of the enemy that is happening rather than the people that it’s manifesting through, because He died for those people and He shed His blood for those people.
So I see the tears coming from His face because the unity that He’s trying to bring is often hindered, (and I believe somebody prayed about the unity, the fire, the purification).
I have a sense that He’s trying to bring us into unity because as those pieces are moving forward, we need to actually war against the enemy, not against other people: not against other believers, not against other moves of the Spirit. We’re moving against a whole other realm that we do not see, and I just feel commissioned because I see the tears weeping down His face as He’s trying to restore unity among us.
Because of the times, we must become wiser. We must grow up faster. Think of our President and remember what we were like when we had been saved for only two and a half years? Spiritually we are older and therefore should see things in a more mature way. Lord, we ask that You give an infusion of wisdom, knowledge and understanding to the body of Christ worldwide, that we begin to see with Your eyes, Lord, and Your grace towards people and against sin, for people are in different places, Lord. They could be babies. They could be teenagers in the Spirit. We don’t know where anybody is spiritually. So, we ask that You help us, Lord, to give grace to them, while also staying true to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to holiness. We pray this in Jesus’ name.
What you are looking at is the plan of God for this last time, and He has it all figured out. We are the nations and He sees the chessboard, so He knows what He wants us to do, to win. We are the pieces in the white spaces. He has a plan, and I feel that He’s also crying because though He has a plan and He says, “Okay, you there, King, you have to move,” yet He’s crying because there’s still part of the intercessors and part of the church that are not listening to His voice. They are doing warfare the in wrong way because they’re not completely tuned into the Spirit. We need unity. We need the army of God to be a true remnant who are able to hear His voice and move when He says move and do what He says to do because He’s got it all figured out.
There’s a similar thread going through about rising up in boldness. The other day I had a picture of a donkey’s tail and I was thinking, “What’s that?” And too many of us look at the tail and think of ourselves. Too many of us think we are the tail. And the Lord says look up for He’s calling us to carry His presence. You know, when you think of the donkey, he’s carrying the presence when Jesus rode the donkey. And it’s an encouragement.
I see a group of men and women and they’re all dressed in the stereotypical Southern clothing of times gone by. You know the hoop skirts, the fancy hats, and the fans and everything. The men are in these really stiff collared shirts and suits and they’re “dressed to the nines”. And they’re all walking around these towns, and to churches, and they’re sitting under the shade trees, and in parlors. And they’re all discussing God, but they’re discussing Him as if He’s some sort of secret that they overheard somewhere, and that it needs to be kept quiet so that no one can overhear them or get offended or anything. When a certain person walks by, they all get quiet or change the subject.
The Lord wants us to stop changing the subject when people walk into a room because He’s not something that should be kept a secret. He shouldn’t have been kept a secret in the first place. We need to stop catering to people that don’t understand and we need to start talking and we need to stop keeping Him a secret, and going into dark corners, and going away from the crowds to speak about Him, when we should be able to talk about Him openly, because He is everything.
I can’t sit here, I have to stand, simply to make the declaration and to proclaim that, “Our children will not be stolen from us.” There are many in this room who have children that you are praying for.
I am standing in the name of Jesus by the power of His Word, because greater is He who is in us and around us, than anything our enemy and his demons, or the people he uses – greater is He than their ability to take our children from us.
I have 19 grandchildren and many of you have children. (Speaking to a young man among us.) Where are you son? It hit me last night, when Pastor was speaking over you. You are not going to be taken, you are not going to be derailed, you are not going to be distracted, you are not going to be pulled away. The boldness that was spoken into you is going to absolutely fly out of you, in the name of Jesus. You may not see it now, you may not feel it now, but it is going to happen. You are a type of the young people that will not be taken from the Lord and they will be used of God, and I am just using you as an example, for God is using you as an example.
Many young people in your age range are being tempted, they are being pulled and I am declaring in the name of Jesus that that is not going to happen to my grandchildren and with all of your children. I am declaring in the name of Jesus by the Word of God that our children will not be taken away.
I see a plumb line coming down straight from the Lord and it is going to be a beautiful golden plumb line that goes right through their hearts that will lead them and guide them perfectly in truth and beauty and they will go forth and not be swayed to the right or to the left, in Jesus precious name.
A Lady
When we were coming down the hill, just before we were coming here this morning, we were up on the top praying. And as I was looking at the ground itself and God said, “Look carefully, look.” And as I was looking, I saw a butterfly, but the butterfly’s wings were closed, and it was jet black. You wouldn’t even notice this butterfly, if God had not showed me it was there, for he could so camouflage himself for protection.
And God said, “Pay attention.” Then all of a sudden, the butterfly opened his wings and it reminded me of a painting, with all of these beautiful colors. And God said, “When necessary, My glory will shine, but when necessary I will show you how to hide and be protected from the enemy. That butterfly opened and closed its wings seven times. It was like he was releasing something, for seven is the number of perfection and completion. After opening and closing his wings seven times, he then closed them, and you could not see him anymore.
And the Lord says, “In the last days watch my remnant rally, the Navy Seals that I am raising up for the kingdom.”
We are going to be able to go in and out of the enemy territory. I work with trafficking and trust me, my job is very dangerous but I am going to tell you, there have been times when I have gone into places where angels of the Lord were all around and there was the Turkish mafia who said, “Who are those men in white coats with you?” And there were no men with us, there were only women. The mafia was spooked out and we rescued 18 women because the angels of the Lord showed up.
When God sends you into a place, He’ll bring you out. So I just want to say, “Be that butterfly.” He has given us wings, but when necessary, close up, because He will camouflage you from the enemy.
I’d like to read a scripture here that goes along with what this gentleman was talking about. About his children and his children’s children. You might consider praying this over your children and your children’s children. This is in Isaiah 44 verses 1-5:
1 “Yet hear now, O Jacob My servant,
And Israel whom I have chosen.
2 Thus says the Lord who made you
And formed you from the womb, who will help you:
‘Fear not, O Jacob My servant;
And you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.
3 For I will pour water on him who is thirsty,
And floods on the dry ground;
I will pour My Spirit on your descendants,
And My blessing on your offspring;
4 They will spring up among the grass
Like willows by the watercourses.’
5 One will say, ‘I am the Lord’s’;
Another will call himself by the name of Jacob;
Another will write with his hand, ‘The Lord’s,’
And name himself by the name of Israel” (New King James Version).
This is the Word of the Lord and it’s a true Word for praying this over your children and your grandchildren, and over the children and grandchildren where you have authority, maybe in your church and in your town. Just start praying that and the Lord will answer.
The Lord was telling me something about chess earlier. He was telling me from this vantage point I will give you the strategies so that you have “zugzwang”, which is a chess move. Zugzwang is a setting up throughout the game putting all positions in place so that there’s a point, the zugzwang, where the enemy is completely surprised and never saw it coming. But this is the move of Jesus.
He’s putting us into the position where we could also move in zugzwang with Him. This goes in tandem with His desire for us to see the strategies of heaven, the plans of heaven, all these direct things that we are going to need in this hour. We cannot change earth from within the earth. We have to change earth from heaven, from His plans, in His garment, filled with His breath, and filled with His anointing, moving just like Him so people will say, “Whoa, what was that?”
Zechariah 2:10 – the Lord woke me up with this in the night. It says,
“Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for behold, I come, and I will dwell in your midst, declares the Lord” (English Standard Version).
So, we just declare this, Lord, over the generations, over the rising up generations, over the children and the youth, and even over us. Lord, we just declare we will look, and we will behold Yahweh. We stand in the midst of Your holy temple and we look upon You and we delight that You come to dwell in the midst. We bless Your name, Yahweh.
We thank you, God, that You are in our midst here. That You go forth before us. We repent for the times where we have drawn measuring lines around our lives. We thank You, God, that You have promised to be a wall of fire around Jerusalem. And we declare that over ourselves and over our generations as well. That You will be the wall of fire and a glory in our midst. Lord, we thank You, that David looked to a future generation and he said, “Take not Your Holy Spirit from me.” That he went from a future reality of the Holy spirit being given to man. Lord, and we just thank You that we look and behold the future of Your people. That You’re going to be the wall of fire and the glory in our midst. And we lay hold of that, God. We step into that reality. We step into the midst of Your fire. Be the glory in the midst of this generation, that we wouldn’t fall into temptation or fall away from You, God, but that You would be the very glory in our midst. That we and the next generation would rise and shine with the glory of Your rising.