Prophetic Words from our August 2019 Meetings – August 9, 2019


Father, I have been seeing, as we prayed, a fresh wind coming all over the world, specifically targeting individuals. I see a lot of weary brothers and sisters. Some of them are ‘long-timers’; some of them are ‘short-timers’, and yet there is much weakness, much tiredness, just in walking this out.

There is something I am seeing in this wind that is unique. There is juice mixed in the wind, kind of like orange juice which would bring a spike in energy. It’s what I keep seeing, So, I thank You for that strengthening.

What I am seeing is that the strength is already there. There is a spike of energy coming – like what happens in our blood, like blood sugar – that will get us uplifted in a moment. And I see a surge, a very global, concerted surge that’s happening all over the world in many nations, through many types of people – people in government, in marketplace, in ministry; people who literally just pray from their homes and are known by almost no one.

I thank You, Lord, for this wind which has this juice mixed in with it, which is energizing and strengthening right now for this surge to push us into what comes next, for Your glory.


Father, I thank You for beloved identity, that we are becoming mature sons, that we are walking in sonship. That we are becoming the united body of the Lord, Yeshua. That we have prepared ourselves for a place for You to rest Your head. I thank You that we will be known by our unity and by our love for one another. I thank You that our new spiritual address is at the feet of Jesus. Yes, Father, that we abide, and we abide, and we abide. We are connected and we are joined, and we are flowing and walking in everything that You intend for us to be. Unlock our destinies for us and prepare us to become the Bride that You have always desired us to be.


Lord, I lift up Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore, Los Angeles, and New York. All of these cities were one-time bastions of light. Many, many of the founders were believers and they were lights there. So, Father, I ask You to supernaturally turn their face toward You because we can’t even utter that Jesus is Lord, except that the Holy Spirit shows us. I ask You to save them all. And all of the ones that refuse Your invitation, for now, I pray that You take them out of high places. You foil their schemes, Father. Just as we’ve been watching recently, Lord, You just step back and say, “Yes but watch this.” Wherever there’s check, there’s checkmate. So, I thank You for that, Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


This morning I was praying. I felt like, we have been caught by our words. And personally, I was praying repentance for things that we have been caught by; whether we spoke words in haste, or we spoke out of a wrong heart. Father, we come to You today on behalf of our own lives and the lives of the body of Christ. We ask You to cleanse us, Lord, of any words that we’ve spoken, anything that we’ve spoken out of a wrong heart, Lord. We pray that You would cleanse us, of any agreements that we made that were not of You, God. That You would help us, to let our, “Yes,” be yes and our, “No,” be no. That You will help us, Father, to commit when we are to commit and to be silent when we are to be silent. Father, that You would give us clean hands and a pure heart, and You would cleanse our tongue, Lord.

The first time I came here three or four months ago, something touched my tongue and cleansed it. Lord, I thank you. I pray that You would touch our tongues today, that You would cleanse them and then You would anoint us, Lord. You would anoint our mouths to speak life. To speak life to each other. To speak life to the land that we are called to, Lord. To speak life into the dead bones, in Jesus’ name, and to bless our brothers and sisters. Lord, we bless all those that would curse us. We bless them. We release them.

We thank You for Your purposes today that are coming forth and Father, we pray that You would give us courage to stand individually in our callings and our purposes that You have ordained for us to walk in . . . and to help our brothers and sisters stand who may be weak. Father, we speak healing words over our brothers and sisters today that are weak. We pray that You would strengthen them. Lord, we pray You would take the mocking and the accusations that our brothers and sisters have spoken and remove that from off of our necks. Lord, we speak agreement of life and liberty over our weaker brothers and sisters today. That their minds would be cleaned, and their hearts would be cleaned. That our tongues would be cleaned so that we are ready to speak Your word and execute Your righteousness on earth, in Jesus’ name, through You and by You and only because of You. In Jesus’ name.


I pray, Father, that all of us can be where You want us to be when You want us to be there. Help us set aside our own agendas and our own wants and let You lead us where You need us to be when You need us to be there. In the name of Yeshua, Father, we thank You.


We pray that You heal all pastors. I actually heard Him say, “Heal them from the sheep bites.” So, sweet Lord Jesus, love them. I don’t think there is enough money in the world to make a pastor be a pastor. It has to be just like King David, who had a heart like You and wanted to be obedient and to do what You’ve called each to do. It is a messy business sometimes with sheep. Sheep can be rotten but thank You, Lord, for all these blessed prayers prayed today. Thank you for these wonderful prayers about unity. I think You, Lord, want to raise up in the body of Christ so that the love of You makes us love one another . . . as everyone so eloquently prayed. I too, pray this in the name of Your Son, Yeshua. Amen.


This morning before we opened up the doors to let everybody in, the Lord gave me a word. And that word was “steppingstone”. There are some in here that it may or may not apply to, but there are some in here that are not positive, I mean are not sure, of what direction the
Lord is going to have them go.

Before you leave today the Lord will show you a steppingstone. He asks that you would step up onto it and then He will show you the second one and the third one. There are some of you in here that have an uneasy feeling that perhaps you started on the right path, but you have an uneasy feeling that you may have drifted off. Before we leave here today the Lord will show you a stone, and then another stone, and invite you to step up on these stones which will lead you back to the right path.

I would like to pray something over the entire group, whether this word applies to you or not, and I’ll have to set it up before I pray it. In John 10 the Lord said, my sheep hear my voice (John 10:27) and the voice of a stranger they will not follow (John 10:5). Many years ago, the Lord said to me, and it was for me and now I’m going to share it with you, and then I’m going to pray it:

“Wayne, you have a very tough time discerning my voice from the familiar voice.”

Now, my familiar voice is my ego, my vanity, my self-justification, my self-righteousness and it was very much like the Lord’s. And He’s been teaching me to discern the familiar voice. If you spell out familiar, it’s FAMI then the last four letters LIAR – liar. I would lie to myself.

So, I would like to pray that for those who are going to step on to the steppingstones and for those who already are on the path I ask, Lord, in Jesus’ name that Holy Spirit, You are the teacher and the counselor, I ask that You would teach them the difference between the voice of Jesus and the familiar voice, so that they do not drift, so that they will not make the wrong decisions. I ask this in Jesus’ name.