SABBATICAL Many coming to Prayer Mountain are dedicated to the mission field. In order to give time and opportunity to our worship team and those who give themselves to prayer among us, we are taking a sabbatical for the month […]


WHAT IS HE DOING  All of us have been going through a lot during the past years since covid-19 arrived on our shores. Many have even lost family members. God’s beautiful blue planet is in trouble: “wars and rumors” of […]


GRATITUDE I have noticed that every few weeks the Lord sends an angel to remind me to be thankful. I must be lacking in gratitude. That’s the only reason I can give for such frequent reminders. So, maybe you too, […]


A Promise Keeping God : Inspection Time The Lord has many ways of training us. One of his most effective ways is by example. In this revelation He shows that He finishes what He begins. More than the completion of […]


ROLL OUT THE BARRELS Betsy, our worship leader who drives in from Kentucky, saw this encouraging vision and drew the picture of the vision. She saw scores of angels with brown sashes (Brown being the color of servanthood) beginning to […]

I Want To Go Faster

I WANT TO GO FASTER August 15th,2006–Tuesday When we sat down in the gazebo this morning, we seemed to be right beside a racetrack. Cars were whizzing past. They were almost a streak going by. The angel Victory addressed me: […]

Schools In Session

Schools in Session In showing you the day to day arrival of the angels to Prayer Mountain and the conversations occurring at the time, the one thing I have not brought to your attention, is the fact that the Lord […]

A Life Changing Event

A Life Changing Event We live in a quiet part of the country, but when God wants to “shake things up” He knows where to find us. A couple of weeks before the eclipse, a prophet dashed into our prayer […]