October 2013 – IF YOU ASK

We will pray. I say “we” because there are more people than just me praying. There is a team of highly dedicated and anointed intercessors that stand before the Lord on your behalf daily.

Anyone that has written a letter or bought a book through this website, or who has been kind enough to send a donation to this ministry will receive prayer—continuing prayer. We are very serious about this.

We all know that there are vast numbers of people alive in the world today—most of whom have no one to pray for them. But, that will not be the case with those who have reached out to us. You are family. You have blessed us. We want the Lord to bless you. So—we believe that the greatest gift we can give you is our personal time in prayer for you.

Because prayer is such a vital part of this ministry, there is corporate prayer at the ministry five days a week and then conference call intercession seven days a week. About four and a half to five hours a day are given to this very important ministry of corporate prayer. (This, of course, pretty effectively cancels any other evening activities that might come along. However, the joys of answered prayer far make up for any loss.)

We consider ourselves blessed to be given the opportunity to pray for you.