Now ,That Is Exciting

 Now, that is Exciting

I don’t believe I have ever been so happy in my entire life – and I have lived a truly exciting, rare life. But here on Prayer Mountain, joy, peace and purpose have joined together into one big glob of joy.

I am working on a children’s book of angels right now, and anyone who has been to the ministry knows how I adore children (by the walls being covered with their art) the mountain is quiet enough for writing.

On Saturday, when we open the doors to the intercessors, brothers and sisters from all over the world are brought here by the Lord to join together in prayer.

These international representatives coming together, provide more fireworks than a World’s Fair, let me tell you. They are just waiting for the Moravian Falls House of Prayer to be built to house them.

There are different representatives each weekend. We do not know one another at the beginning of the meeting, but by the end, we recognize one another as family.

You can’t get better than a little bit of heaven on earth, now, can you?