Prophetic Words from our May 2019 Meetings – May 17, 2019


My daughter saw the Lord standing here, in front of her.

A Lady

The Lord spoke to me from the book of Micah and He said:

1 In the last days the mountain of the house of the LORD will be established as the chief of the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and the peoples will stream to it. 2 And many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths.” (Micah 4:1-2 Berean Study Bible)


I had a vision during worship when you played this instrument. The sound that came from it was like it was going down the streets, in through the dark streets and into all the corners and the crevasses, and needles were falling out of arms just because of our Lord’s presence. But the sound had a fragrance; I smelled it and I felt it blow through here, just a fragrance and it’s the fragrance of the Lord. And so, Lord, I thank You that You’re sending Your sound and You’re sending Your fragrance into the darkest places, into these streets and they’re just blowing through like the tsunami that you were talking about. Lord You are just blowing through and needles are falling out of arms. It’s a beautiful encounter that they’re now encountering You and Your presence. Lord, I just pray that these fathers, the arms that the needles are falling out of – this generation that is fatherless, that You, Lord, are waking them up. I thank You that on behalf of this fatherless generation, and that there’s a healing that’s coming. And Lord, I thank You that You guide, and You lead, and You Father teach them how to be fathers to this fatherless generation. Lord I thank You that You’re an example to them, the most precious, divine example to them, for who is better to show father’s how to be fathers in this generation.

A Lady

The Lord showed me a long time ago that our county, Wilkes County, has a huge blanket of addiction over it. It’s like laying all over the ground and He’s been wanting to roll it up. Now, when she was talking about the needles falling out, He said it’s going to start here. As many trees as you see; that many needles are going to start falling out and it’s going to go across the whole United States and around the world. This blanket is an example of victory that He’s rolling it up.

About seven or eight years ago I read something – in the US, Wilkes County sadly was the second greatest area of drug addiction and death from drugs (and we’re very ashamed). And He said the reason that that made the news (He just told me this), was that He’s going to turn that around.


In the last days He wants to bring people together. Each one of us is like a brick and how can you protect a brick? If you drop it, it will break. If you hook them together in a great wall, the great wall of Christians in the last days, to stand against the evil one. That’s what I was dreaming about. We come together arm in arm. We gain the security and the peace of being part of the wall, the great wall of Christians and the great cloud of witnesses that will be part of the end time church. That is what I was feeling.

A lady

I want to add on to that. I have been feeling in my spirit just what you are saying only it was a spiritual building, that is what we are doing – it is spiritual.


During the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, it he had three challenges and the very first one was the breath of God and the clue that he has to solve this riddle is only the penitent can pass: “only the penitent man will pass”. The Lord just won’t let it go and as Timothy was praying about abortion and as you guys were talking about the epidemic in our country with drugs, and as you were praying for Israel, I saw the Lord had a needle and thread that was sparkling and He was tying all of that together and kept bringing it back to my remembrance that, “only the penitent man will pass”.

So, Lord, right now I pray in Jesus name, and as we’re here together corporately, Lord, we decree and declare a new revival of repentance over our country, over the world, Lord, as you have been showing John and I over the past few days about Nehemiah. One of the greatest revivals in history was after Nehemiah rebuilt the city. He rebuilt Jerusalem and right now I decree and declare the rebuilding of the city, Lord, and right now just this revival of repentance where they were between the “Feast of the Trumpets” and the “Feast of the Tabernacles”. They were in sackcloth and ashes and just overwhelmed.

Some of the people, had never even heard the law before in their whole entire lives and it brought them to repentance. And I thank You right now for an encounter with You, Lord. The people in churches, the churches; are full of people who are not saved. Lord right now help them to encounter You. To encounter You in a way that they’ve never encountered You before. In a way that they cannot deny.

Right now, out of this room, off of this mountain we decree, and we declare a move of repentance and the deliverance will come. The deliverance from the drugs, abortion, and all sin. All of the deliverance will come through this move of repentance, Lord, and we send it out now in Your name. We bless You and we glorify You and we honor You, Lord. Lord, You are holy. You are worthy. Lord, we live to honor You. It’s not about us. It’s about You, Lord, and it’s about the others. It’s about the others. Right now, Jesus, Your heart in us. Oh, Lord, repentance. I repent. I repent right now on behalf of our nation, on behalf of those in churches right now that have just played church, right now I repent on their behalf. Lord, move, move now, in Jesus’ name move on the churches, Lord. Lord, we love You.


I heard the word this morning that, today is the day of “victory,” and I saw people in this room claiming that. And I’m taking it as a claim.

The other thing I felt is that there are those of you that are in a transition right now, I’m one of them as well. But it’s to get to your harvest, you need a breakthrough, and it’s a financial breakthrough specifically. I felt the Lord saying that He wanted us to pray for that right now. So, if you’re in need of a financial breakthrough for your transition to get to your harvest and your destiny. Lord, we’re going to agree, today and thank You for Your kingdom coming in alignment with Your (God’s) will, with Your purposes, and all the resources that You have created for us will come into our lives. We come in agreement today. We declare by the blood of Jesus that today is our day of victory, we declare victory in Christ, and that today we thank You, God, for Your victory over our lives in every area, and in everything You died for. We praise You for that.

Father, we thank You for the financial breakthrough for those in this room and those associated with ministries in this room and other ventures that You’ve called forth today, for that victory to come in Jesus’ name without delay for Your purposes in this hour on the earth and in our lives and in our families, Lord. We thank You today for every resource online and every conversation and every alignment of relationships, Father, for the breakthrough that You have called forth in this hour. Amen.


The first Angel that I saw when I came up here was called “Victory”.


When Ernest first came in and told me his name, the Lord said, “Remember his name.”

The second time he prophesied and prayed, in that doorway, the Lord said, “Earnest.” Now He wasn’t talking about the man. In my day, which was a very long time ago, when people made transactions, one of them would give what was called, “earnest money”. Basically, that was a guarantee of what that person would bring forth, would bring the whole thing forth.

He was brought here today because of his name. Everything that had been prayed about and prophesied about today, is an “earnest” from the Lord.


This is the tsunami that is coming, the arising of the sons of the living God, hallelujah. The sons are emerging, and with them He is marrying the anointing for the liberation of creation.

Oh, though you groan, your liberation is coming, hallelujah, and it is coming swiftly says the Lord.

Just put a fire in us oh God that cannot be quenched until the fulfillment of your purposes and your glory. For the glory of your name.


As I was sitting here, I saw the Spirit of Wisdom, who was dancing and twirling. And then I saw this twirling, I saw a long thin flag and it was going over everybody. Then I began to hear the Lord say, “I have come to release wisdom for today’s needs?” Every need, is being met through His wisdom. And the Spirit of Wisdom is coming upon us to understand what we have heard and seen and to know how to walk and how to live, and how to operate.

There’s coming a day when wisdom will lead you in and out of My Kingdom, for you will be transported from place to place. You will preach the Gospel, you will heal the sick and you will raise the dead, for My remnant is raising up, it’s rising up, it’s rising up. For I am releasing the Spirit of Wisdom to understand how to go in and how to come out. For I am going to give you the hands of understanding. I’m going to put feet to the things I have put in your heart and you will go and you will release the Kingdom wherever I send you.


What I heard, when this meeting started was the word “wisdom”.


Father God help us to become so in tune that we hear the cry of the heart of the Father for this day. The cry of the heart of the Father. To be a people that begin to move in a level of faith that has never been seen before on this earth. Father God I ask, and I pray over everyone that is here, that there be a shift that takes place in their life and in their relationship [with You] and in their understanding with the Father and what the Father is doing in this time.

And that they begin to rise up and begin to release and loose out of their souls anything that would hold up the move of God, anything that would hold them up, and that the enemy would not have a landing pad to operate in their lives or the lives of any of their loved ones. Father God I ask that there be such a passion in our hearts, a fire to release and to not allow anything [unholy] in us, so that we will be able to stand as our Lord stood and said though the enemy comes, he has nothing in common with us. There is nothing in us that the enemy is able to grab a hold of, and he’s unable to operate in a people that understand that the Word of God, the Kingdom of God, and that vibration and the Word is alive, it is living letters, it is alive and it shakes everything that can be shaken within us.

Father, we give you permission to begin to shake everything that has been in our souls, in our minds, our thoughts, to deconstruct anything that the enemy has used. Any negative paradigms, any agreement with the enemy, anything Father God, that in anyway allows the enemy to operate, that our minds will be renewed and we become a people that understand the Kingdom, we understand the ways of God, that we become a people that the Word permeates every cell in our body, that it permeates every part of our soul, and we are no longer a people that are need based, but a people that are authority based.

We begin to understand that we are walking, and we are representing the King of kings and the kingdom of darkness shall not prevail against us on any point, an understanding that what we have (not silver and gold) but You, Your Spirit, Your Word, Your Life, Your Salvation to a hurt and dying world.

Father God, I ask that You begin to birth in every person here, awaken them, to whatever You need. Stir them. Whatever needs to be done, put in them and allow them to hear the cry of the heart of the Father and the cry of creation that is groaning for the manifested sons of God to come forth. We believe You, Father that You’re going to do in us what only You can do and that nothing will stand against what You want to do. Thank You for that Father God. In the Name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach of Nazareth.


The Lord says that there are some here that have been given a ministry and it may not be a pulpit ministry it may be a ministry to travelers, and He is saying to just take that step.

The Lord just gave me this word from Matthew:

25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble (Matthew 6:25-34 NKJV).


Father I thank You that You are breaking confusion off of your believers, and I thank You that You are sending confusion into the enemy camp. God I thank You that you are releasing victories where there have been prolonged hinderance to the things of God.

And Lord, right now I thank You that the people of God are stepping into greater victory than ever before and we are going to see, God’s inheritance – which is the nations, Father we call them into fruition right now. God we thank You for the prophecies that have been spoken about the billion soul harvest, that we are Your workers and that the sons and daughters are being raised up right now. That they are might men and women, they are bold, they are on fire, they are the laid down lovers, they are going forth and they are trashing the assignments of Hell right now in Jesus name.