Prophetic Words from our May 2019 Meetings – May 10, 2019


Oh Lord, we come before You as Your children – we are Yours Lord and we are here to pray Your mind and Your heart, for that which You want, that which is in Your heart and in Your plans, Lord. You have plans, we may think that we have plans but You have plans. Lord, we pray now in the name of Jesus that we do pray what You want Lord and only what You want Lord because it is nothing – it is flesh, if we pray what we want – we say we want what You want, Lord. Correct us if we get off on some tangent or something that is not You, Lord. We want You and we want what You want.


Today, Lord, we declare the word of release to call forth those whom You’ve prepared. We ask that they be granted marching orders. Release them from that which would hold them at bay. Let them be released to do their part, to come forth in the power of Elijah. Father, those that have been destined to declare Your Word and to do Your works for such a time as this. We ask, that You would dispatch Your angels to their aid. Lord, that those who are in need of comfort and healing, that have been damaged in the battle, we ask that their hearts would be strengthened, that their hands would be made strong and their minds sharp. We pray, that there be no confusion to Your orders, that the enemy not be allowed to bring mixture. That in their sending they would go quickly. That there be no delay. No derailing of Your plans in this hour. Father, we cry out for help this day. We ask You for help, in the name of Jesus.

Lord, that those whose hands are weary from standing would be lifted up. That their season of visitation and strengthening in the manner of Your prescription, would be now. Lord, those that have left the battle, that You would heal them and bring them back in the power of Your might. That in their weakness Your strength would be perfected and made strong, and that we would learn to depend on You in greater and deeper manners, ways and means.

Lord, we pray for the release of resources to those who do not have what they have need of now. Lord, we pray for the rallying of Your heart cry, that Your body would come together with one heart and one voice, one cry and one purpose, serving one Lord. That those who have allowed themselves to be put on pedestals, would repent. Those who have exalted themselves above measure would be brought low by Your grace and Your love to occupy the place of Your calling and Your choosing, to do Your bidding with the authority of Your Spirit and presence and Your affirmation.

Lord, those who have not understood what You’re doing in this hour, we pray for understanding. That in our getting of wisdom, You would also grant understanding that we might find the proper application of that which You have spoken through the years and to know the place of purpose and position according to Your alignment and according to Your good pleasure and Your heart’s love and cry to humanity in this hour.

Lord, we pray that our love for one another would be made evident by our actions and our deeds as well as our words. That the world would recognize by our example that You have sent Your Son. As we love the unlovable, cry out for the downtrodden, and intervene for the widows and orphans. Lord, that Your sticks would be made one. That the tribes of Israel would be united together with those who have been grafted in and we would understand the place of Your choosing in this hour as never before.

Lord, we pray that the confusion that the enemy has brought through error and deception would be rooted out at every turn. Lord, that there would be no corner or place or provision given anymore to deception or division in Your body, in this government, and in Your children, in Jesus’ name.

I give You the praise and the glory and the honor, Father, that Israel be united with the twelve tribes and that in Your land, there would be true authority to speak on Your behalf, in Jesus’ name.

A Lady

God represents wisdom to me. And I believe as we proceed to ask God for wisdom, He will put the wisdom in your life, He will put it in you, as you trust Him.


Lord, the prayer that You have given us asks that we be here on earth as it is in Heaven and there is complete unity in Heaven. Complete unity around Your throne, Lord. Complete unity. We ask that You do this, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Only You can do it! Only You can do it. Please help us.


Lord, forgive us for not being led of Your Spirit and following Your Spirit. We pray, Lord, that You will help us hear Your voice and know Your heart with clarity and prove what is Your perfect will. Father forgive us for not waiting in Your presence to do Your will. Forgive us of our own agenda and our busyness and the things that so easily beset us and the distractions and the cares of this world. Father let us realize the seriousness of the hour.

Lord, that we would wait and know what You would have us do, even moment by moment and day by day. That the things that are on the horizon and in our schedules and in our plans, that do not align with Your will, Father, in the easiest way possible, let us be redirected as those who are Your body and those who name Your name. Lord, that we would find perfect and divine alignment with Your will, Your plans, and Your heart, Lord, in this hour. Father, we need You. We need You, Holy Spirit. We say “Come Holy Spirit, touch Your people. Visit with us, woo us, draw us.”

Arrest us, Father, by Your love and Your kindness that we might fulfill Your plans and destiny for our lives – that we might have our reward and give You Your due, Lord Jesus Christ. We declare Your victory. We declare Your victory over this mountain. We declare Your victory over this region. We declare Your victory over this nation. We declare Your victory over the earth. We ask You to raise up those who will walk in that victory fearlessly without reservation or distraction. Help us, Lord, be those people and unite us as one heart and one cry through Your perfect will, Father, and we will give You the praise and the glory and the honor.


Today, those who know you’re called and that the call of God is on your life, but you haven’t stepped into it yet, if that’s you and you want to make the commitment to fulfill your calling today, please stand up. If you’ve never accepted the calling before or it’s weighing on you, there’s a refreshing today. God wants you empowered and today is a day of release. There’s a healing for those who have been repressed or pushed down, whether it’s you in your own insecurities, weaknesses and fears, God said to Paul, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.” That wasn’t just physically, he, Paul, knew it in every realm and every area of his life. And today the Lord says it’s a new day, it’s a day of My calling, it’s a day of My purpose, it’s a day of My anointing and it’s a day of My release.

For those who will stand up and say, “Yes, Lord!” and “No,” to the weaknesses of the past, the limitations of the past, the fear of the past, the oppression of the past, whatever the limitation that has kept you from stepping forward; there’s a release of teeny tiny steps. When you take those teeny tiny steps of obedience, no matter how simple, God is going to bring great release and you’re going to grow in confidence and you’re going to grow in strength, until the roar of the Lion comes through your voice, and through your life, and through your heart, and through your steps, and you find it to be more than enough.

The anointing of God will break every yoke that confronts you, that would try to hold you back and that would try to limit you and keep you from the glory of God being made manifest in your life and you will know the power of the Most High even as Paul said that the fullness of the Godhead dwells in His body, so shall it be with your life until you know the victory that God has given you. You will know what Christ has died for you to have, in every realm, in every area, in health, in healing, in righteousness, in salvation, even in wealth and riches according to the destiny that God has placed upon each one of you – the provision and flow of resources to more than meet every assignment that God has for you, no matter where He would send you. And the Lord says, “Even some of you in this room will go to the four corners of the earth. Yet even though you felt, ‘Lord, is it possible?’, even yet, the Lord says, ‘Yes, it’s possible and with Me all things are possible. And you will know the power of My angel’s wings to carry you even without ticket or vehicle, for you’ll go in My Spirit and you will know the power of translation and the power of My Word flowing through you to bring release,” says the Lord.

“Think it not a strange thing that you’ve been called for such a time as this, and this is a place of My providing and residing in your life, not only where I send you but everywhere you’ve been, says the Lord. For I’ll teach you even through your mistakes and your errors, your failures and your sin, if you will give it to Me and I’ll use you to be a light in the middle of the darkness, so that this generation will not fall in the ways the enemy has brought you down in the past, says the Lord. Give it all to Me. Give it all to Me this day. Give Me your insecurities and I will make you courageous as a lion, says the Lord and you will know that this is your day of victory,” thus says the Lord.


We believe that You, Lord, have begun revival somewhere. We are asking You, Lord, that the revival would start spreading. We thank you for what you are sending forth, water; like a great tsunami. It’s coming to our ankles. Let it come to our knees. Let it come to our thighs, Lord, and then let us swim in it. You’ve been training us all these years. All the years since 1977 when you stopped the Charismatic revival. You’ve been training us, Lord, all these years. Many can pray and preach. Many can lay hands on people for healing. Many can deliver people from demons. Now, Lord, we’re ready to do the work of the Kingdom. We’re ready for it, Lord. We’re asking. Show us those that You would have us pray for, Lord, please. Come with Your Spirit and a tsunami worldwide – that great outpouring that will cover the whole earth. Come now, we ask this is Jesus’ name. Amen.


Roar as a lion for the outrage and anger of the world, like the cry in Psalm 37, Lord: that we would cease from anger. We are coming from a place of victory. We are fighting from a position of victory and we do not need to be outraged and filled with anger. We walk in boldness and confidence. Like Jesus we’re moved by compassion and there is such a difference and so, Lord, I ask that you would forgive us for those places that we have cried out in outrage and that we’ve joined in with this age of outrage. That is not what You have called us to, Lord. Draw us back to Your heart. That is not what Your boldness looks like, so forgive us, Lord. Forgive us, Lord, but bring us back to You. Show us how to be moved by compassion. How do we move in boldness into the world and be moved by compassion and draw others to You and point others to You? Thank you, Lord.


With regard to the River flowing, I actually saw that in my heart, and it was really very interesting, so that I could just connect so quickly to what you were praying. But I felt like there was a prophetic aspect to it and – that is, that the eyes of the Lord had looked out upon the land to note its famine and its dryness. And that there’s a great level of barrenness that has been present but that His River is flowing, that He’s sending it forth.

I could just see it as though it was one stream in particular, but in that, there was this release of hope. There’s actually a release of everything necessary for the life of God to be made manifest to those who need to receive it.

And I also felt like that there is a generational aspect of God’s workings, and the stream that might flow to those who are older may be a little bit different than it flows to those who are younger because there are distinctions in callings. And for us to be okay with that and receive that which is purposed for us in the station of where we are in this present time of our lives, and to know and be at peace with the fact that God has not forgotten. He has not forgotten, and He will hydrate.


Today Anna, we talked a lot about water, and you were talking about that in agreement with my brother here and also when you were talking about water to your ankles, to your knees. And since I’ve walked in here, I just keep hearing a chorus. And please sing with me, some of us sing here, but, you know, we are called to worship.

“Open the floodgates of Heaven. Let it rain. Let it rain. Open the floodgates of Heaven. Let it rain. Let it rain.” *

Yes, Father, the cleansing flood. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. So, send us healing waters. Send those healing waters from Heaven. We receive them today: the living water.

* Let it Rain, written by Michael Farren

We receive it today that living water will start rising up in the place of heaven. From the floodgates of heaven, let it rain over here.