June 2017 – BEELZEBUL

Let us talk about this worldwide attack on the body of Christ.

You may or may not recognize it as worldwide because “the prince of demons”, Beelzebul, is leading the attack through the strategy outlined by the Lord Himself to be used against the enemy. That strategy is to take out or bind the “strongman” first. We usually apply this scripture to demonic forces. However, at present we are able to see the strategy turned upon the Lord’s anointed with heart stopping effects through the attack of at least two human, world leaders (I’m sure there are more brave and anointed souls, I just am not familiar with them.)

Even though this website is being followed by Christians all over the world, I am going to address the attack on two of God’s human “strongmen” (anointed warriors brought forward by God for this hour): Donald Trump [president of the United States] and Benjamin Netanyahu [prime minister of Israel] because – unless this demonic attack is stopped – you know how they say: “coming to a theatre near you” – well it will be “coming right to you” … wherever you are.

Let us look at some of this major demon’s names to glean from the Lord a strategy of our own.


In the natural, cattle can be driven mad by the constant stinging attacks of horse flies. The bites are painful and draw blood, often causing wild herds to stampede as they try to get away from these flies. The animals wallow in mud to cover themselves with as much dirt as will possibly keep the flies off of them.

Spiritually, the attack is similar. The same sort of stinging and maddening attack has been mounted against these two men. The stings do not kill, they just drive them – turning them again and again to address false and misleading stories or turning to protect family or friends from the daggers being thrown at them – from world leaders, the press, their own party, those within the government seeking to undermine – lies – betrayals – the entertainment world, the rock stars, the comedians, etc. The organized attack can only be coordinated by the enemy and it is like blood sucking horse flies, driving and driving them. Many do begin to return to the wallow hole – covering themselves with the dirt from which they hoped to remove themselves.


These flies love excrement. Everything starts to be covered with it. As the lord of the dunghill, he uses his flies (which swarm over excrement to spread terrible diseases: typhoid fever, cholera; dysentery, epidemic conjunctivitis, meningitis and polio.) The Tsetse fly spreads sleeping sickness. This is an illness that leads to death.

Spiritually the church struggles awake at times (such as during recent elections in America) but quickly falls asleep again. This is the demon behind its sleepiness and the death that comes with the false doctrines taking the Lord’s church down the wrong path – (which leads to death.)

Most of the false doctrines have been around since right after the death of Christ. Every type of false god and false doctrine has been blended into the pure gospel of Christ. Many new brands sprang up in the 1960’s. These were dabbled in by everyone for a while; but eventually older and more mature teachers stood up to refute them and they passed out of fashion. But amazingly, I am old enough to have lived through the rise and fall of these aberrant doctrines in the 1960’s and 1970’s to the rise of the very same doctrines again, years later after these more mature teachers have died. They are “in fashion” and everyone talks about them and relies upon them as being valid – but, dear children of the living God, these “dunghill doctrines” are carrying the body of Christ into deeper and deeper sleeping sickness and (I have told you where sleeping sickness leads) spiritual death.


We have seen how angry everyone is now. That, dear friends, is entirely supernatural. There is no actual reason for this boiling anger. This high demon is known for pitting people and groups mindlessly against one another.

Well, we are certainly seeing that side of his personality or it might be his job description. There will be killing in the streets if the rule of law is not returned. Senseless, mindless – as in Germany before the 2nd world war. The people were deaf and blind to sound reason. They were taken over – possessed. That can happen to whole groups of people – senseless hatred.

When being asked why they, as students, were shouting down free speech or throwing chairs through windows on campus, they gave “sound bite” answers, with absolutely no real reason … just temporary madness and the excitement of others being professionally organized to “kick up some dust”.

This summer, with so many professionals being paid to guide the youth into destruction, there will be a lot of “dust kicked up”.


As such he oversees the sacrifice of infants and the unborn.

I was in a conference one time when Bob Jones called out three witches that had sneaked into the assembly to pray against him. He publicly told them, that they had sacrificed two babies to gain the power with Satan to hinder his message. They jumped up and ran out. Christians with clean hands and a pure heart gain access to the throne in prayer. However, evil, such as the murder of infants, gains power with Satan.


I am not sure how any person of conscience can bare to see the constant attack of Beelzebub and his troops against the Lord’s anointed. Satan is employing this major demon to drive, hurt, sting, distract, draw blood and stampede, not only Trump and Netanyahu –but to weaken their support team – trying to destroy these two extremely brave leaders through a thousand-thousand bloodletting bites. It is horrible to watch these demons moving on people to take them down.

It is like watching some “Wild Kingdom” television show where an animal is savagely piled upon, drug down and eaten alive. Horrible.

We are seeing the devil in all his raw, self-aggrandizing butchery … and dear children of God, this is just the beginning unless we begin to take up arms in prayer against this butcher and his minions.

I was listening to a respected British commentator speaking of the battle this one man, (Trump) was having, trying to return this nation (America) to the rule of law and of all who are set squarely against him. No one has ever seen anything like it. The commentator said: “They are trying to kill him.”


The strategy is that this demon must take out Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu first. Then the rest of the leaders will fall in like sheep. Only these two leaders are standing up to the other world leaders who are snickering behind their backs. They are taking the abuse for us. They are speaking the truth.

So – like these two leaders or not – we need to stand with them and hold up their hands.

We need to pray, pray, pray for both of them.

And – like America and Israel or not – these two are like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dam. If these strongmen fall – their nations will fall – then so will the world.


We, the children of God, will be culpable if we do not take our stand with the Lord’s anointed. But how do we pray?

This demon is one of the top high three demons – Satan, Leviathan and Beelzebub – the unholy trinity.

Many have been told that we have all authority to tackle anything demonic. That is exaggerated. We have authority to tackle what our God wants us to tackle here on earth.

The scripture used to support the tragic over reach that we make with the 2nd heaven is:

LUKE 10:19 – “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

Notice the word: tread. That means whatever is on earth, under your feet where your physical body is. He did not say power over everything in the second heaven, (Satan’s headquarters) whatever is in the stratum above us, etc.

These demonic princes are not stationed on earth. They, along with Satan lead the section of the evil rebellious organization from the mid- heaven. Whatever is down here, (the demons) we have authority over.

So how do we pray?

Be sure you are in the armor provided by the Lord.


With the high demons, we ask our Father to bind them. We do not need to shake our fist at them. We need to ask our Father to deal with these high demonic powers. This shows humility towards God.

1. We repent (thereby getting clean ourselves.)

2. Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.

3. Ask your Heavenly Father to bind Satan and all of his evil ministering spirits, his princes and powers, his demonic forces of wickedness in high places and ask that He command that they stand back from you and your family, your finances, your house and car and your callings – and also that He command that this demon stand back from Donald J. Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, their families, their property, their callings, their cabinets and their family members, and from all that You Father have called them to accomplish.

4. Many curses are going out, night and day through the witches worldwide.
Say – Proverbs 26:2 –
Like a sparrow in its flitting,
like a swallow in its flying,
So a curse without cause does not alight.

5. These two leaders are doing what God has anointed and called them to do at this time. You can pray and ask the Lord to deal with those who are coming against these anointed ones according to – Psalm 105:15 – “Do not touch My anointed ones.”

6. Ask the Lord to cover these two leaders with the blood of Jesus.

7. Place a protective hedge about them.

8. Ask the Lord to send additional angels to protect them.

9. Ask that He the Father, bless and strengthen them.

10. Thank the Lord for standing with those He has called and anointed.

11. Please bring many to stand with them.


Are we going to allow God’s anointed men to “take it” without lifting a finger in prayer to stand with them? I would be ashamed to do so.

Come on, glorious body of Christ, let’s get busy decommissioning this major demon. He is blocking God’s outpouring and clean-up through these two men. The enemy is planning a summer of spiritual slaughter in the streets of America. We, the Father’s children, can’t allow Beelzebub to win on our watch. To arms, brothers and sisters. To arms.