Prophetic Words from our February Meetings – February 8, 2019

A man

I saw the Lord as a dance instructor. Let us be a bride that will just follow Him in this dance. Lord let us have the heart and that mind to do that. You build what You want here.


We sang, “Our God reigns,” in a song today. Depending on how you spell it and the context, there are three types of rains. There is rain that falls from the clouds to the earth, there is a king reigning and then there are the reins of a horse. This is what the Lord is saying to this group and it is conditional. He says that if you hand Him the reins to your heart and take your hands off, you will enter His rest and His grace and His peace.

A man

I saw two angels pulling a blanket back and light coming through to Washington.


Heavenly Father, You have many teachers, but You do not have many Fathers. I pray there would be a revelation of fathers who know the Father. That You would release the revelation of You as a Father on spiritual fathers, whose hearts need the tenderness, the kindness, the gentleness and the unfailing ability of Your love as a Father. That they would be those forces in the market place, they would be that force Father God, amongst us to a generation that did not know what a father was. You say, “I am raising up fathers, I am giving spiritual fathers a new place, a new definition, a new clarity into what they are given to do in their sphere of influence.”

Father we pray and ask that as you give spiritual fathers their territories, their place of influence. Let us as spiritual fathers take the position with boldness before Your throne of grace, so that the mercies that are new every morning, that power of Your mercy will so settle on these fathers that know the revelation of You as a Father and be released with much clarity. That You would grant us, as spiritual fathers how to communicate, with Your unfailing love.