What is the Answer?
I have thought long and hard and prayed even longer and harder concerning the times our nation is going through.
1) Firstly, there is the most obvious answer to the question – should we believe the prophets? Do we believe the prophets, no matter how impossible the circumstances before us appear – (sort of like we are now, standing on the edge of the Red Sea with the Egyptians barreling down on us scenario). In this scenario, we believe the Lord will back up the prophets and bring victory to our president (and to America).
(In case you feel the prophets are Old Testament only, they are not just an old Testament gift. The office of a prophet is one of the five designations given to the church to work with the Holy Spirit to guide the body of Christ in the New Testament.)
I want to believe the prophets. However, I am usually given some sort of personal witness within my spirit that agrees or disagrees with prophetic words. Unfortunately, this is one of those times the Lord has given me an opportunity to walk forward without the deep assurance of prophetic sight. It is a very uncomfortable test – especially right now.
2) Secondly, there is the fact it is written in God’s word that if someone stands with Israel, the Lord says He will stand with them (Genesis 12:3). No one has stood with Israel more than Donald Trump. Not only has he stood in the past, but he is right on the edge of many more treaties that would benefit Israel immeasurably. Therefore, we should agree with our Lord’s scripture and stand with Donald Trump and our God to fulfill His word and ask Him to give Donald Trump victory.
3) Therefore: even though I personally do not have an assurance, I am standing with the prophets in prayer that Donald Trump will win a victory and be carried immediately into a second term. I am also standing before God, asking Him to support Trump for his kindness to Israel.
We may or may not have a witness concerning prophetic words, but we know our Lord’s perfect will. He is for righteousness – not only in our personal lives but also in our government.
As Christians, we cannot stand by as treachery, fraud, and bold deceit are paraded before the world’s population as winning righteously. Such cruel unrighteousness must be opposed. What deluded arrogance. What demonic glee. What open mockery before the face of our God. Almost the whole world believes that there was fraud in our elections… (that’s whether they may be for the outcome of fraud or against it), just as when everyone knew that O. J. Simpson murdered his wife and her friend (which he admitted years later), still many – though not believing his innocence – pulled for his receiving a “pass” in the trial.
But to the children of the Living God, I say – “Crawl, if necessary, to the throne of God and plead that righteousness prevails.” Stand with your brothers and sisters in Christ that this darkness does not overtake us.
Christians worldwide are joining their voices in prayer for the Lord’s perfect will in the United States’ presidential election. May God bring the courage needed to reveal the truth. May He move in the judges’ hearts to judge righteously.
Hope, dear children of the Living God. Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn. I know this may sound strange, but we need to give our God encouragement by telling Him we are standing with Him. Not only does our president need to know that we are for him, but our God also needs to know that we stand with Him.
We must show as much grit and steel as the children of Israel when confronted with the edict, to fall down and worship the image Nebuchadnezzar had set up or be thrown into the fiery furnace. They answered:
16 “…O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter. 17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. 18 But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.”
Stand for and with our God.