As we told you last month, the sign that marks the location of The House of Prayer is slightly to the side so that those wishing to pray on the exact top will have access. This white stone on the […]
Who would be the Next Angel Assigned to Prayer Mountain? (Continuing the Spiritual Chronicle of Prayer Mountain…)
After assigning the two angels that represent the very means by which God Almighty says He deals with humanity, i.e., Mercy and Compassion, what angelic help would He assign next to a location that He, Himself has set aside to […]
I hope I mean this in more ways than one.) Here is the sign at the location for the building of THE MORAVIAN FALLS HOUSE OF PRAYER. Many who come to Prayer Mountain wish to know the chapel’s exact location so […]
When the Lord says “No.” (Then gives you something better.)
First, let us introduce these two important angels by giving you the spiritual encounter that led to their assignment to Prayer Mountain. The encounter is important because it may be the only time in my interchange with God Almighty that […]
Sometimes it takes a long interval before dreams or prophecies become realities -especially in Moravian Falls. One such dream, held here for 24 years, is just coming into being. It was on the hearts of many to establish a House […]
Our Place in Heaven Now
Concerning those disciples who had followed Jesus on earth, He said: “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:3). […]