This account is of two new signs. It is a chronicle of a seldom described part of the history of Prayer Mountain. One sign is actually a repainted, abandoned sign and the other is a brand spanking new one.

SIGN #1.

This sign was made by a dear friend of mine. Before moving to Texas with her husband she worked for Disney animation. They decided to leave California to start a cabin building business in Texas. After building their own log cabin, they decided to rethink their career path and went into the making of signs.

She was designing and making signs when my husband retired from the pastoral part of the ministry. My friend and I decided to create a historical coloring book for this small, but amazingly significant town where the River boats turned around on the bayou and headed back to New Orleans. We thought that it would help the visiting adults to have the history of the houses, churches, hotels, etc. and settle the children in the back seat by giving them something to color. We used my very young nephews and niece as the children ringing a church bell or climbing a tree, or fishing in the bayou, etc.

After we finished the coloring book, Albert and I moved from Texas to Kansas City. Years later, when we moved to Moravian Falls, we needed a few signs to guide the visitors.

Recently, when the land on the top of Prayer Mountain was sold, the only sign to survive the sale is the one pictured. It had been brown, but the previous owner used the back to create a new message and painted the sign purple. Therefore, instead of sandblasting it, we kept the basic sign purple (since that is part of its history), repainted the lettering, etc. on the front, and returned the sign to its original location.

We felt that it was a survivor that made its way back to its former “post”. Like an old soldier that limped home after many years of service, we joyously salute this battered and abandoned warrior. Long may it stand in the service of our God.

SIGN #2.

A: This is one of three such signs we have purchased to put up because we are blessed by having children who accompany their parents to Prayer Mountain – as well as several who live here. We want to show these children the Lord’s love by driving slowly so that their parents can call them out of harm’s way.

B: Also, some visitors come with their friendly, small dogs. Both children and dogs will get out of the way, if you drive slowly enough.

Many thanks.

These are the two new signs (well, one is an old faithful).

We thought you would enjoy a bit of the history of the signs, because – let’s face it – we rarely give them much thought. But they, too, have a fascinating story to tell.