Have you ever been so astounded by God that you just sat there stunned? That just happened to me today. I realized I was in the middle of an answer to a prayer made 32 years ago.

In 1989, Albert and I had just arrived in Kansas City and were asked to go out to the Vineyard Christian Fellowship in California with the worship team and dance group from the Kansas City Fellowship. Graham Kendrick was coming to America to launch his March for Jesus. After the conference, everyone – including my husband, went to Disneyland in Anaheim. For some unknown reason, I remained in the hotel room weeping and praying for a house of prayer. This was 32 years ago. So unusual was this, that the incident was burned into my memory; for I was asking for a house of prayer without knowing where it should be located.

We then spent over three years bringing together the pastors of all 72 denominations of the churches in Kansas City for monthly prayer in the ballroom of a downtown hotel.

After our work was finished in Kansas City, we took a year off, and then planned to go to Florida where our friend Bob Jones was living. I had spent a full year recording his life and thought it might be a good idea to be near him when I wrote (the book) about it. Most of this year was spent in Texas. Bob had said I would receive a visitation during Hanukkah of that year [which began in December.] As Bob predicted, my eyes and the heavens were opened on the first day of Hanukkah.

The Heavens Opened – “X” #1 (27 years ago)

Before we left Texas, I began to travel daily to heaven and record all that was said and done.

This was the first “X” on a treasure map given to me by the Lord. There were five “X’s” but no guidance as to what they represented. This was twenty-seven years ago- Hanukkah 1994, Sunday, November 27.

Florida – “X” #2 A & B (26 years ago)

A. We moved to Lynn Haven Florida (outside of Panama City), where I was visited by the Lord who came surrounded by several angels bearing gifts, (very much as the servant gave to Rachel’s family) – proposal gifts.

If you wish to see the account of the proposal, click here.
September 2015 – Betrothal Gifts

B. I was then visited by a spiritual camel caravan loaded with twenty-four chests. These were Hope Chests, given before I entered into a Formal Betrothal with the Lord.

If you wish to see the account of the Hope Chests, click here.
January 2013 – The Hope Chests

If you wish to see the account of the camel caravan, click here.
January 2013 – Hope Rising

Glendale Florida – “X” #3 (25 years ago)

Then we moved to Glendale Florida to help a Presbyterian Church until they could get a pastor. It was in Glendale Florida that I entered into the Formal Betrothal with the Lord. After helping the Presbyterian Church find a pastor, we moved to North Carolina.

If you wish to see the account of the Formal Betrothal, click here.
May 2018 – Clothed in Christ

If you wish to see additional information on the account of the Formal Betrothal, click here.
May 2018 – Notes on the Betrothal Garment and the Crown

Moravian Falls North Carolina – “X” #4 (24 years to today)

The Lord took us to Moravian Falls in order to write books which were published by Strang’s Publishing House.

If you wish to see the account of the fourth “X”, click here.
February 2019 – X Marks the Spot

Also, we began a prayer meeting on the mountain.

If you wish to see the announcement of the prayer meetings returning to Prayer Mountain, click here.  November 2018 – Prayer on the Mountain

The Fifth “X”

The “Welcome Wagon” angel came in 2006. But only today – in July 2021 – did I understand the significance of the “X” he was clearly making. We arrived in Moravian Falls 24 years ago. But it was not until 15 years ago that the Lord began to build on the components that would eventuate in the Moravian Falls House of Prayer – and it took me until July 2021 to even recognize what He had done.

Here is the map finally completed in the spiritual realm and waiting for its completion in the natural realm.

The Long Game

The Lord plays a “long game”. For His more astounding glories on earth, that is exactly the game He plays. It has been 32 years, and we still are pressing on toward the fulfillment of this “treasure.”
I was thinking of Mike Bickle, whom I met when he was in his early 20’s. Already, at that time, he had been spiritually promised a piece of land that was connected to Harry S. Truman. He held on to that promise – and that was probably nearly 40 years ago – and now, I hear, the vision is being realized.

That, dear children of the Living God, is the “long game.” 32 years and still counting for the house of prayer on the mountain the Lord named “Prayer” in Moravian Falls, and nearly 40 years for Mike Bickle. He has acquired the Harry S. Truman land and now is headed toward an eventual prayer chapel in Missouri.


By golly, I am inspired by that. We Americans have been trained by the fast-food industry to want “things” right away. Faster – faster – faster. But when we really look at the Word – it is “the long game” that brings the greatest rewards – and, children of the Living God, He is giving us the opportunity to experience that rare and deep thrill of being a part of such a “treasure.”

Oh, how fortunate we are to be children of the Living God, and how fortunate we are to be living in these times.

We are not having our open prayer meetings at the moment.