Past, present and future are all present in heaven. I am including the following heavenly experience, for it illustrates this very truth. The spirits speak of their actions in the revelation as if relating to the future – when actually – they are speaking of our (my husband and my) rather recent past.
Let me explain:
When my husband and I were in Kansas City we were allowed to work with a ministry that hoped to bring the pastors together for prayer on a regular basis. Albert and I and the head of this ministry began this outreach with the three of us praying daily. The whole process is too lengthy to detail here (for the revelation being shown does not deal with the process whereby that was accomplished, but the fact that it actually was accomplished.) The Lord graciously allowed us to reach out to the pastors of seventy-two denominations. These pastors came together for prayer once a month in a large ballroom of the main downtown hotel in Kansas City.
There were many, many more pastors than just the seventy-two representing the denominations. The fellowship and prayer of these pastors brought the city together into a loving, cooperative and I must say, blessed unity . . . and the Lord graciously allowed us to be a part of this glorious experience.
However, the spirits referred to the experience as if it were “on the horizon”: a time coming – not a period of time that we had already lived through on earth.
The Lord, therefore – through this unique experience in heaven – illustrated the truth that all is present above.
[The faint picture is from my journal. Remember these journals passed through a fire that destroyed our home and then took 3 months to dry out from the water the firemen poured on the containers that held them.]
It was then that I heard the sound of singing, faintly at first. It was the sort of singing you might hear if your mother was making bread in the kitchen on a cold winter’s day. I turned toward the sound and saw a bright light. In the center of this light sat a group of spirits.
The path lay right near them. I stepped onto the path to approach them.
The light was as white and intense as the “incubating” light in the parts department. Within the light, four spirits sat together working. Intermittently each would reach up and take a blue ribbon from the air as it floated into the light. The ribbons also seemed charged with light as the spirits began to roll them onto large, silver spools. Then, with the ribbons wrapped, they would place the spools onto equally large, silver spindles that were suspended in midair.
These spirits were not solid in appearance. They were closer to being transparent, but a bluish-silver light outlined their forms. Their shape was that of human beings. However, the light in which they worked made it difficult to see their facial features distinctly.
They did not seem to notice me as they sang together while they worked:
Every little seam,
Every little seam
Sewn with the thread of life;
Every little seam
Joins the living stream
Flowing to the river of life.
Then without turning they acknowledged me. “Hello, Anna,” a spirit spoke from all that light. “Watching?”
“Yes,” I said.
“We are getting the ribbons together for sewing. They represent the various streams that flow from the great river of life and back into it, even as the waters on Earth flow in and out but do not overwhelm the land.”1
“These streams are God’s people,” another spirit said.2 “They come from Him and flow back to Him, the great Source.”
“But they need to be sewn together,” another said, looking toward me as if suggesting my participation.
“I’m not a very good seamstress,” I laughed lightly.
“The needle here is the sword not of man.3 The streams are being sown together by the Spirit of God Himself so that the Father might rejoice to see His city filled with those who love His Son and one another. Even the city itself is made glad.”4
“You are called to sew with such a needle, Anna,” the first spirit said. “That we do know.”
“We are placing the spools of ribbon on spindles so that they will unravel easily when ready to be brought together,” the fourth spirit added.
“Is there some significance to placing them on spindles?” I asked.
The spirits smiled at one another and sang:
There is oil in the spindles,
Oil right from God.
There is oil from the Spirit of God.
There is oil like a gusher,
Oil from the sky,
Oil that’s been hidden until now.5
Hum – hum, oil from on high,
Oil that’s been hidden until now.
One of the spirits turned to me and said, “These ribbons are being placed on spindles for you and others who will use the sword as a needle to prepare for the gusher.”
Then they sang:
Sew the streams together
And catch the sacred oil;
And, oh, let it not be
Used for the profane.
“Your Father has the answers to the questions in your heart,” the third spirit smiled. “We are those who wrap the spools and put them onto the spindles.”
“They are all blue ribbons,” I said.
“Yes, each became a stream when revelation came concerning a great truth about our God. But a truth about Him is not Him,” the first spirit added. “Although the ribbons are being wrapped on individual spools, they are about to be sown together into a river like the river of life from which they came.”
“As we see the Lord bringing into completion all things relating to these times and seasons, we rejoice to be a part of His great roundup,” the second spirit smiled.
[Notes relating to this vision may be found in the section: TEACHING.]