Our Own “Pictograph”


A.   A pictograph is an ancient or prehistoric drawing or painting on a rock wall.

B.   A diagram representing statistical data in pictorial form.


When Duke Energy came to talk to us about running the electricity to an area for a well and so forth, they brought a printout of the road. We had seen it before when a dear friend who had retired from TWA, send us a printout asking, “what does this look like?” We showed the printout to my friend Bob Jones and he said, “it is the white buck.”

Why is this important?

When Bob Jones gave the original prophetic word about this land, The Lord indicated He was setting aside a certain number of acres for His work. Purportedly, the prophecy also mentioned a sign of a “white buck” on the land.
The land was found and purchased. And through other prophetic messages of Bob Jones, Bobby Connor, Gary Oates, Doug Addison, Larry Randolph, and others, the spiritual calling of Prayer Mountain was clarified.
These were:        1. Rescue the Jews.                                                                                                             2. Be one of the Lord’s Sanctuary locations.
3. Establish a house of prayer on the ridge where God Almighty will meet                                   with His children.

The Sign Confirmed

The sign was not immediately discerned – not until this friend sent the pictograph of “the white buck”. The pictograph was chiseled into the mountain itself, and so large that it was hidden until the Lord wished to reveal it from the air.

According to the prophets – the Lord had set aside a location on the ridge which He chose to use as a meeting location –through prayer. We called it the House of Prayer. But He confirmed it the way the ancient’s sought confirmation of many prophetic words – through the stars or by using other natural clues that could not be manipulated by mankind.


All of us have seen pictures of the giant line art drawn in the Peruvian desert or the “Long Man” in the soil of Wilmington, England.

Well, the pictograph in Moravian Falls will remain year after year to verify Bob Jones prophetic word about a house of prayer on this ridge. The eye is shown where this ministry is located, and the horn of power is shown ending where The Moravian Falls House of Prayer will be built.

We are blessed to be a part of “a sign” and “a wonder” in these days.