Prophetic Words from our April 2019 Meetings –April 6, 2019


When we were singing “Break Every Chain” the Lord gave me an image of something that He had given to me, oh maybe 25 years ago. It was from the movie Forrest Gump. It’s that scene where he is running away from the boys that are trying to harm him. As he is running, his braces are falling off. Today if you want to grab this, it is for you.


I have been struggling for a long time to hear the word of God and during worship, God spoke to me and He said, “There is a unity coming in My church.” And He doesn’t care if you’re Protestant or Catholic or Baptist or Pentecostal, He doesn’t care about that. He wants one church to come together in Jesus. The battle that we are going to have to win, we will only win as one. All the bickering between churches is just like the 12 apostles trying to decide who was the better in Christ’s eyes and Christ finally just said, “Enough!” That is what He is telling us, His church; to stop bickering between ourselves, stop judging each other, stop trying to say, “Our Christ is better than your Christ.” It is Christ!


That actually reminds me of something that Anna taught me: that she went to a very big meeting in a stadium right at the end of the Charismatic revival and it was announced to the whole audience, through a prophet, that the Lord was bringing this revival, this healing revival, to an end. This was in 1977. He said the reason why, if I’m right, was because of a lack of unity in the church.

A prophetic brother

Father, we present ourselves before You this day and we ask You to show us our place of standing. We ask You to anoint us, to break the yokes in our spheres of influence that are ready, at such a time as this, to be broken. Father, we pray that You would move us into the fullness of all that You have called us to, whether early or late, near or far. Lord, we ask that You would bring about a change that the slumbering and the sleeping would end and that those who have been filled with Your word would find their voice, would find their platform, would find the sphere for which You have prepared them.

Lord, we ask You for a sending in the earth. That people would be mobilized according to Your election, according to Your choosing, and according to the preparation that has been made ready. Father, we ask that You would release the resources, the provision, the transportation and the place of abiding, that they might stand in Your presence in the place of Your choosing, immovable, even as a bulwark, Lord. Father, those that you have made ready and their hearts are open to Your leading. Let Your Word and the seeds of Your direction go deep within them, take root and spring forth, in Jesus name. That good soil is made ready to receive the seeds of Your direction and Your Word.

So, Father, we stand each one of us today and those who You have made ready and we say, “Put us in Your place. Cause us by Your grace to move and be and stand according to Your choice, election and purpose in this hour, in this time.” Father, we thank You for visas. We thank You for travel. We thank You for provision, transportation, and the place of abiding upon arrival, in Jesus name.

Father, we thank You for this day. We thank You for bringing us here together. We thank You for travelling mercies for those who are returning to distant places. Lord, let them hear on the way the answers to their cries. Lord, we thank You for the heart cry that You have put in each one of us and now we call forth the answers to be clearly heard and discerned that we as a body and of Your people would move according to Your direction. We ask that You would call cadence to Your people that we would march in lock step with Your Spirit in unity with one another empowered by Your love which never fails.

Lord, we thank You for new anointings to break every yoke and we will give You the praise, and the glory, and the honor, Father, in Jesus name. Amen.