Prophetic Words from our March 2019 Meetings – March 8, 2019


At worship practice when we were warming up and we were practicing with our instruments, I felt like I saw these puffy white clouds coming into the room and they were about 18” deep. They were lying on the floor and I told the other musicians that I had to go and lie in them. So, I jumped up and I ran, and laid down on my back on the floor and when I did that, it felt like there was a thick, thick heavy blanket on me.


We pray for a baptism of repentance over us individually, beginning in our hearts and then over this nation. I believe that the Lord is saying that this baptism, (praying for the baptism of fire) will shift and purify the minds and the hearts of this nation. It will change things, it will be the answer to these women in these abortion rooms, it will be when they are touched by the fire and the love of God that they are purified. Send the fire, Lord.


I enquired of the Lord to understand a word I got that has to do with the worship team being given, by the Lord, four “songs of ascent”. The Lord reminded me of an image from 50 years ago when I was stationed in Hawaii, and back at that time, God was probably priority number 25 on my priority list. I was playing golf with some fellows on a golf course by a runway where big planes landed and took off. They took off all the time, even while we were playing golf, so it was not unusual, however I remember this with great clarity and great detail – this one thing that happened that day.

I paused in playing golf and I looked at this 747 that was at the end of the runway and why I don’t know, because they take off all the time but this time I was fascinated, so I was looking at it and it started to take off but it was lumbering and it looked to me like it was in slow motion and I kept watching it and waiting. It seemed like it was taking forever and finally the nose lifted and finally after a little while the whole plane lifted and took off and I was fascinated by that, why, I don’t know. 50 years later the Lord brought that image back. He said, “That is your explanation for four more songs of ascent before you take off.”

That particular 747 was maxed out with passengers and cargo. It was lumbering but not straining, I remember that. That is the word that I gave our worship leaders – that 747 – the four engines are four more songs of ascent. It is lumbering because it is so maxed out and it is taking longer to actually take off. If it took off in say a mile it would take a mile and a half for it to take off – before it finally lifted up and started to soar. Today we were maxed out and overflowing [there were so many people present that they were sitting on the floor and in the next room] and that to me was a confirmation of the image from 50 years ago. Those 4 engines on those 747 were the four more songs of ascent. I know they have soared before, but this is like nothing that has happened. They are going up in anointing.

The Lord expanded to me today that the first song was the plane – the 747 itself. And so, this plane is lumbering to take off and today He gave me why it is lumbering – because I told them that there would be four more songs of ascent and that those four songs were the engines on the plane. Well it turns out that when a plane starts its takeoff, all of the engines are pressed forward to the firewall and then the brakes are released so that the plane can take off. However, this particular 747 – that is not how it is taking off and that is why it is lumbering. They were to have four more songs of ascent, which the worship leaders have now found, and those four songs are the engines coming online one at a time. So, the plane is moving forward without all four engines starting up, that is why it is lumbering, not only is it fully packed but it is not using all four engines, so it is lumbering. As you bring these first four songs of ascent online it will gather speed and start to take off.

The sixth song of ascent will be when the nose lifts. The seventh song of ascent will be when the main gear lifts off. The eighth song of ascent will be when the plane breaks gravity, in other words, it overcomes the gravitational force and is now soaring.

Peggy Jo

It is springtime and it is time for the fig trees to blossom and to bloom and for them to produce great fruit. God said, “The season and time of the fig tree having only leaves and no fruit is over.” This is because He has said, “It is done, it is time to cut it down and to bring forth the time of great fruit.” And He says, “Many have been in a season of pruning, and pruning, and pruning.” And some have said, “But Lord, can’t I keep this little branch, see how little it is? It is just a little branch. Can’t I keep it?” And He said, “No, you cannot because you will only produce little fruit on a little branch. It needs to be pruned back so that I can produce great fruit.” This is because it is a season where He desires great fruit and it has been a season of lack of fruit and it is time for the fruit to be produced and multiplied.