Mary Beth
For I say to you, I have drawn you deep within my heart of love and I have drawn you into this place for this moment and this time for you are My legislative body and you are my bride and you have been awakened unto My love. And you have been awakened unto the destiny of that which I have called forth of my church.
And I say to you that you will be activated, even this day because I have called you to soar. I have called you to come up and over and yonder. I have called you to be fully awake, fully awake to the lover of your soul. Fully awake unto that which is indeed the mandate of Heaven to Earth.
For I say unto you there is a shifting, a changing and a resetting. I am resetting even you who have come into this place. For I truly have hidden you in the cleft of my rock, but I say to you I am now calling you forth to soar from the cleft of the rock.
I have called you a generation, I have called you an Abraham, an Isaac and a Jacob generation. I have called you to be one in Me and one with one another. I have called you to see, I have called you to hear, I have called you to speak, I have called you to write and I have called you to be the expression of My goodness. You are My light, you are My fire, you are My rainbow of Heaven.
You are the scrolls that I am unsealing even in this day. You have strategy from Heaven. You have blueprints for this moment and this time. For you come into a Kingdom, unashamed and ready to receive a full inheritance. For the blood of My son was never in vain and it will get its just reward. Rise up, for the blood cleansed you and washed you. For I say unto you, “Not guilty.” Live out of a place of, not guilty. Live! I say to you even in this room, “Live! Live abundantly.”
For my eyes are on this nation and my eyes are on the remnant.
The Lord gave me a vision about three weeks ago, I live in New Mexico and it has to do with the now. I was praying with a friend called Joyce and I saw the vision a couple of times and He said, “Tell Joyce what you are seeing.” I told her, I saw myself swallow a golden nugget and it dropped into living water in my belly and it was boiling living water. I opened it up, like a fortune cookie and it was blank. As we began to pray, Joyce heard, “Moravian Falls,” and instantly it was written on the little piece of paper in my vision.
I began to pray about it and I saw two different numbers, one was 222 which is today. The other was 922 which is the birthing, as 9 is the birthing of a new thing and yet it is the living word of God, it is His light, it is His love, it is all that He is.
The ingathering begins at Moravian Falls – the gathering of His people here. The only assignment I was given, was 222 – sometimes when He sends me out, He only gives me a little.
There is something in 222, it is a very significant number to me, I have felt that for years, what is this, what is this 222?
I just want to bear witness that this morning, as I wrote the date and noticed that it was 2:22 (February 22nd), I thought, wow, God is releasing something today. Double portion on a triple level, yes Lord, we receive it.
There is a little more:
Isaiah 11:11- Then it will happen on that day that the Lord
Will again recover the second time with His hand
The remnant of His people, who will remain.
Isaiah 22:22 also applies, it is the key of David and is right with it – “Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder,
When he opens no one will shut,
When he shuts no one will open.
It is not about how long will we say, “You are going to do something.”
How long are we going to be “becoming”? Until you believe it is here, you are going to keep on becoming what you already are. I kept hearing, “It is time to begin to speak,” and this is not name it and claim it, it is rhema and you people are full of rhema.
(Romans 4:17 – God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.)
As the Holy Spirit leads, speak it as if it is done. The Kingdom is already here, He is just waking us up, because the King is already here.
I saw a vision of ancient blue suitcases in this place, already here. They had something to do with Bob Jones. The Lord had me pick one up and put it in my belly. God has imparted, it is the word, it is the ancient faith word of who He is, that He wants to become substance today in us. Each one of you has a suitcase, I knew that.
So, I thank You for this, all over the globe and it is taking place right now, thank you for the fire of Your glory that is being released from this little room right now, into our nation and it will devour everything in people and in the land and the systems that are existing of Babylon, it will devour everything that is not of You, Lord.
For the Lord says, “I am off the tracks. My train, who I am, does not ride on the track and I will destroy everything that has been made as a track for Me. For I am coming as a wild fire, to show you My love in Yeshua’s name.”
We have a train here (pointing to an iron train that releases steam when heated on a wood stove). “Old Promises” is bringing the promises on 2.22, praise God. February 22nd on the calendar. Be sure to pick up your blue suitcases when you go.