May 27, 2006, Saturday – The Arrival of The Fear of the Lord

The Arrival of The Fear of the Lord

We often hear of glorious acts of God after they happen; but few chronicle the steps the Lord takes “preparing the soil” for such a monumental “harvest”. I, myself, have been on Prayer Mountain twenty-three years. I have been blessed to witness the Lord’s careful preparation of this land and His preparation of those living on this land before He fulfills His prophesied desires here.

Therefore, I am trying to walk you through a spiritual timeline to give you a framework, (whose understanding will enrich your experience of all He intends when once it is accomplished).


1. The first angel seen on Prayer Mountain was the angel called VICTORY (shown in the Angel Section of the October 2014 website).

2. Then the Lord said: “Now it begins,” and an angel guided in the Lord’s intentions (as if guiding in an airplane), for this little mountain (shown in the August 2019 Section of the website)

3. Then each of the four founding families were visited and asked if they agreed with Bob’s prophesy that a chapel would be built on the ridge and whether it was acceptable to them that someone – other than the founding families – built the chapel. After a hearty acceptance by all four families, land began to be purchased.

4. The arrival of THE FEAR OF THE LORD with the angels called PRUDENCE and DISCRETION (shown in the Angel Section of the September 2019 website).

5. A major word from Bob Jones (shown in the Angel Section of the September 2019 website).

May 27, 2006, Saturday

When we arrived, angels were turning loop-de-loops on the top of the ridge. The air began to peel back, producing a hole in the air about shoulder high from the ground. Through it stepped a very large, bright angel dressed in red garments that looked like fire.

His white hair was tipped with flames and bright light streamed from his hands and from three shafts of light from his head. He did not have wings, (though I have seen an angel dressed in the same way that did have wings). That was several years ago. The angel spoke:

“I am an angel THE FEAR OF THE LORD. I come to you now that WISDOM might follow. I come, not just for you, but I am given to those who come to worship, praise and seek the Great King – He who is King of All.”

“The Lord has sent me because you have much need of wisdom. The King’s children need to know the fear of the Lord. I will assist them. I bring with me apples of gold in sockets of silver – godly treasures that bring honor to the King.”

“Many seek perishable treasures, but those who come to this place will seek  the pure gold set in redemption. This gold leads to all manner of salvation. The true gold of God guides the child away from self.”

“I am come now to bring this fear of the Lord. I travel with PRUDENCE and DISCRETION – WISDOM follows.”

The fear of the Lord is needed now, and the Great King has sent me in response to this need.”

He disappeared backwards through the opening in the air, and so did all who were with him.

[PRUDENCE was dressed in a garment whose fabric looked like velvet. It was purple with a good deal of blue in it. DISCRETION wore a garment that also looked like velvet. It was indigo. Both had golden girdles crossing their chests. Their hair was a reddish brown held back in a large bun at the nape of the neck. WISDOM wore white. She, too, had a golden girdle across her chest. She had bright red hair held in a bun at the nape of her neck and a slight gold crown on her head.]


                           THE FEAR OF THE LORD

                           APPLES OF GOLD IN SOCKETS OF SILVER


