The Witnesses

The Witnesses

After spiritually opening Prayer Mountain, the first revelation given by the Lord was seen by three people at the same time. I was one such person. My husband was the second and a friend that once owned land on Prayer Mountain was the third. Why?

Because being seen by more than one person at the same time is a verification used in establishing a truth in the Bible such as: “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at . . .” (1 John 1: a-b). Or, “By the witness of two or three let all things be established” (2 Cor 13:1).

God’s Verification: July 4, 2006

Al and I and our friend had just arrived on the top of Prayer Mountain, when suddenly we saw a huge wheel rolling up the path.

The Wheel was full of eyes and flames and light. Within this wheel was another wheel spinning in the other direction. It, too, was full of eyes, fire and light. Both Wheels were spinning rapidly.

Quickly, we moved out of the way to give the Wheels room. We were awestruck. There was a fierceness and majesty about them. They were lofty (being tree-top high) and were without mouths. They communicated spirit to spirit.

Then our friend spoke out loud that which we all saw. The Wheels changed into two other Wheels – one a crown of thorns and the other a jewel encrusted kingly crown. These Wheels changed back and forth like a hologram. My husband called them a “Holy Gram”.

Why the Holy – Gram?

Our Heavenly Father was authenticating His actions of spiritually opening Prayer Mountain on the 2nd of July, and physically opening Prayer Mountain on the 3rd of July – 2006, He wanted to seal the truth of these actions through verifying witnesses.
On the 4th of July, He sent a very high ranking angelic official to confirm that He was coming. Wheels are part of the triumvirate of Seraphim, Cherubim and Wheels that attend our Heavenly Father near His throne. Also, they travel with the Father. Because they are so closely associated with our Heavenly Father, they are a dynamic herald of His coming.

The Message

After the “Now hear this!” of the first fiery wheels, they delivered a spiritual message from our Heavenly Father.

The kingly crown announced the coming visitation of our Heavenly Father to this little “manger” of a ridge. The crown of thorns warned us, at the same time, of coming persecutions.

You would think that our Heavenly Father choosing a location on earth to manifest His glory, would be universally applauded. However, the enemy does not accept this announcement with joy, nor does he intend to allow this to occur without a battle.

I thank the Lord for sending such a mighty and unmistakable confirmation of His ultimate desires for Prayer Mountain. May we be found faithful.

“Come, great God Almighty, come!”