The “Welcome Wagon” Angel

As we have seen, the Lord brought to Prayer Mountain major angels to establish His spiritual grid on which to add complementary angels. He brought these angels to aid, instruct, and enrich the lives of His children – Christ being the chief cornerstone.

This “Welcome Wagon” angel shows that He had laid enough of a scaffolding for the Lord to begin to bring in His children. Spiritually, the angel is waving them in. Also, he is waving in the countless number of additional angels that will be assigned to Prayer Mountain as a benefit to the children of the living God.

How Fortunate We Are

How fortunate we are to be privy to His workings. He is allowing us to see behind the veil. I feel like a child that has been allowed to visit our Father’s carpentry shop and see Him building something rare beyond measure. All of us should feel honored.

Here is the revelation that was given in 2006:

July 2, 2006 – (a Sunday)

When Albert and I arrived on top of the ridge of Prayer Mountain, I heard the Lord say clearly: “Now it begins.”

I stopped in my tracks and responded out loud, “What Lord?” (meaning, “What begins Lord?”) but He did not answer.

Suddenly an angel came down and stood on the path to the top of the ridge. He held up directional lights (called wands in the aviation world) and began to signal toward himself as if to direct an airplane that had landed and now was taxiing before coming to rest.

Both wands were moving straight back to assure the arrivals that they were headed in the right direction.

Park Here

Then the angel crisply placed the brightly lit “wands” in a hand signal that indicated “X” marks the spot: Stop here.

The “Welcome Wagon” angel wore earphones, safety glasses, a whistle, a small radio (it looked like) and a bright fluorescent vest.

The Lord sent the “Welcome Wagon” angel to officially open Prayer Mountain.

You see, mankind plans and moves forward in his timing. But God has a timing. He says when a hallowed piece of land is ready to receive His children. Our Father marks such times in the spiritual realm.

Come One – Come All

The angel was showing us God’s desired location for the house of prayer and spiritually saying: “Come one – come all!”
Then he disappeared.

“What does this mean Lord?” I asked. But He gave no answer.

Historical note

On July 3, 2006 – one day after the arrival of the “Welcome Wagon” angel – the journal chronicled actions that were taken which (we believed), to be godly steps to ensure unity on the mountain. On July 3, 2006, we sought the mind of the original four families holding land on Prayer Mountain.

Receiving the Blessing

Each family was visited and asked if each would support (with their goodwill and blessing), the building of a chapel on top of Prayer Mountain. These families would not pay to build the chapel, but we felt their approval and blessing was of extreme importance to the unity of the brethren. We realized that this was most unusual. Who goes to those who will be neighbors and asks their permission to build on your own land? But we felt that their approval was needed because such a chapel (especially a structure so often prophesied about by Bob Jones, Doug Addison, and others) would – when completed – draw many to pray there. Once begun, great amounts of funding would be needed – not only to construct the chapel but also to endow it (so that it could be kept open). Those of the original four families agreed to support the chapel and pledged their support along with their blessing. We took them at their word and began.

Now It Begins

It was as our Heavenly Father had said the day before. “Now it begins!”

Our Father began working in the hearts and lives of those whom He called to build the chapel, and also, in those who had pledged their support and blessing. In other words, testing began for everyone living on Prayer Mountain.

Although painful, we all knew that such testing was necessary… and we did not want to fail. We knew that in this next move of God, He needed those who put Him first and His desires before their own. He needed those who would be building the house of prayer to also be living holy lives – showing forth the character of Christ – not anointed flesh.

The Lord would need to accomplish this, – but we were willing.

The Dual Opening

The dual opening of Prayer Mountain – on July 2, 2006, through the “Welcome Wagon” angel, (the spiritual) and on July 3, 2006, through the consent and blessing of the founding families (the natural), shows how carefully and thoroughly our Lord wished to proclaim (both to the natural and the spiritual worlds) that He placed His stamp of approval on the building of the house of prayer on top of Prayer Mountain.

The Moravian Falls House of Prayer

The Moravian Falls House of Prayer is not a gift to His children where they may call on their God. It is a gift to God where He may meet with His children.