“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32)

Everywhere I turn these days I hear: “I don’t know who to believe anymore.” There are lies in the government, lies in the schools and yes, lies in the church. We all know that without truth there is no foundation – not just for institutions, but for our very lives. We might as well try to build on quicksand.

This Day

The Lord saw this day and began in 2006 to lay a firm foundation on Prayer Mountain. He sent an ambassador from Truth Himself, the Undersecretary to Truth to make himself available to all who come to Prayer Mountain.


Vision: June 29, 2006: Thursday

An angel about 25 feet high appeared. He was translucent. I could see right through him. He bowed at the waist to acknowledge me.

“May I ask your name?” I questioned.

“I am an UNDERSECRETARY TO TRUTH.” the angel replied.

I remembered that Jesus said He was the Truth. I then supposed that there are angels that serve as secretaries (like in the president’s cabinet). This must be an angel that serves under the secretaries – one that could be assigned to a location and remain in that location during the assignment. I did not know for sure, however.

“Do you come with authority from Truth Himself?” I asked.

“I do.” He continued, “You have prayed that all that will be brought forth here will be in love and fellowship. But a spirit of Truth is also needed for the transparency required to conduct His power. [It seemed that he was suggesting that Truth was a conductor of power. However, I felt that I had known several gifted Christians with power. Many of these, I must say, I also wondered if they were completely truthful. But if he was relating to my own personal desire to see the truth joined to God’s power on this Ridge. . . well, he was right. There was a great desire within me to see God’s ways prevail from the beginning to the completion of one of His purposes. . . that it wouldn’t be corrupted, in other words.]

He continued: “He who is Truth has sent me to this location in order that His power may have safe passage and drive home “true” (he used “true” as we might say, hitting the mark.) “The Path of Light* will lead many to knowing the One who is Truth. I speak, not from myself, but from the One who sent me to you,” the angel concluded and then vanished.

*The Path of Light is a name the Lord gave this short strip of road across the ridge of Prayer Mountain, long before the mountain was named, or my husband and I knew we would have any connection to The Moravian Falls House of Prayer. The path itself did glow for two weeks after it was first cut through the trees. But I doubt that this was the reason God Almighty named it the Path of Light from eons past.

The enemy convinces people that morality and belief systems may be followed or not followed on a sliding scale, depending on when and where you live. But truth is not established on the world’s fluctuating morality. Truth is as deep as the throne of God Himself. Truth is as unchanging as Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

Truth vs the Flesh

Unless we allow the Holy Spirit to hold us to the truth, our flesh will drift onto the winding path of relativity. You can lose your soul life on that path. You will move into – not just lying to others but lying to oneself.

It seems that, for this reason, one of the first angels to be established on Prayer Mountain was the Undersecretary to Truth. Our God wants this generation to build on righteousness and truth. . . not His gifts without His Holiness.

Our Father wants truth here on this mountain. . . no matter how raw or how painful. We do not have a firm foundation from which to push off and up unless our foundation is Christ – He who is Truth.

The Recent Past

Until very recently we have been naive, it is true. But our God is opening our eyes and ears to see the deep darkness that has covered the earth. Honestly, we were not aware of the smothering blanket of evil draped over the globe. Either we were members of that community because we were citizens of that kingdom or, after salvation, we were part of our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom and therefore traveling on a parallel path, refusing to look at the dark path from which we came.

But even though we were naive, the Lord is now giving us wisdom. Our God is a God of light and in Him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5) His Son is truth. Our Father wants to see His only begotten Son’s light and truth in His adopted sons and daughters. We thank Him for sending this powerful angel to Prayer Mountain to assist us.