At last – let’s go.
The Lord has given us the go ahead to prepare for the Moravian Falls House of Prayer. Thank heavens. We have been on pause for many years as He gave every one of the early landholders (who said they wanted to be a part of the house of prayer), an opportunity to fulfill their wish.
Coming into the Promises
Our God is so gracious – and His timing is perfect. As we come to the end of this vetting process, we enter into the promises made by the prophets years ago concerning this ridge – and into the prayers and proclamations of the elders.
Among the elders who had land in Moravian Falls at that time, were Bobby Connor, Geri Keller (from Switzerland), Don Potter, Albert Rountree and Bob Jones, (who did not have land here).
These godly elders of the faith came together, with many others, to bless and prophecy over the land set aside to hold the House of Prayer. But though the land had been blessed and set aside for His use, the Lord Himself did not give those wishing to build the House of Prayer a release to begin building.
God waits
The Bible says: “they that wait upon the Lord…” But we rarely think that God waits upon us also.
In this case the Lord was waiting until every single one of His children, (who said they wanted to be a part of this commission) made their choice. Waiting for others to make a choice about their lives is a long process; but the Lord is infinitely kind, patient and loving toward His children.
We have just finished one of these extremely long periods of time. Having been completed the land can rest knowing that the Lord went to the very last minute with each person to give to each his or her opportunity.
Why is this important? Because unless all righteousness is observed, the foundation for the Moravian Falls House of Prayer will be corrupt.
We have told you how carefully each landowner was considered by asking each if they would support the building of a house of prayer. Unless we deal righteously with our neighbors, how can we hold to righteousness in the building of a prayer chapel?
Each step, also, was initiated by the Lord Himself. Perhaps it was hard waiting while everyone worked through the complications in their lives, but it was worth it. The peace and certainty that accompanies holding to the Lord and allowing His process to play out, is beyond compare. There is a deep satisfaction that you have allowed the Lord to take the lead and have held to Him through it all.
Along with this deep satisfaction comes the equally satisfying knowledge that you have acted righteously toward your brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Our Prayer
We pray we have fulfilled all righteousness during these years of vetting. We want to fulfill Psalm 24:3-4 “Who may ascend to the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.”
Lord help us to be guided by Your Spirit and by Your Word, that You may be glad.