Many gifted prophets and seers have prophesied the glory of God coming down to rest on Prayer Mountain. However, in this revelation the Lord sends the Angel of Goodness to confirm their words.
August 31st, 2006: Thursday
The angel of GOODNESS addressed me: “Did you lose the cup?”
I don’t remember what it looks like,” I answered.
“Here,” the angel said, handing me a most unusual cup. It was virtually invisible. I could see the outline of the cup and a slightly wavy effect when it passed in front of the flora on the top of the ridge. But it was certainly faint to the point of being visually nonexistent.
“Why is it so faint?” I asked the angel.
“Because it is the contents that is meant to be seen. The content is that portion of the Lord to be offered to another. The cup is not to be seen – only Him.”
“I understand,” I said. “That cup is to be used to offer Him alone – not a cup to hold my own opinions.”
“Only the Lord brings life,” the angel of GOODNESS said. “Offer the contents of this cup to those who come. Keep your cloak at hand.” [The angel was referring to the invisibility cloak.] “Wear your shoes. [These make the feet invisible.] “Put on your gloves.”
“When the Lord’s glory rests upon this ridge, He alone is to be seen and offered to those in need,” the angel said.
In this revelation, the Lord not only confirms how He will come down but He also reveals how mankind in general is meant to live.
There have been many prophetic words about Prayer Mountain from about as many gifted seers. Recently a friend asked me what I felt might warrant the gathering of so many angels to a particular location.
That, of course, is an excellent question. Part of the answer lies in His intention for the top of the ridge. When the top was first opened to foot traffic (by someone cutting a simple path through the trees) the whole top of the high ridge glowed for two weeks. People driving by on the road below, stopped their cars, got out, climbed up to the top to see such a sight.
Bob Jones called this occurrence, “Previews of things to come.” He, and the other prophets felt that the manifested glory of the Father would be revealed on that ridge: that in this particular place the Lord Himself would heal, bless, deliver and anoint – without being managed or manipulated by mankind… without hands, as it were – (as He displayed in the “preview”.) He alone would be revealed: very much as the angel predicted in this 2006 revelation.
As glorious as any means to which God Almighty publicly responds: music, preaching, prayer (and through these we experience more of Him); here in this place, clearly, He tells us that He alone will fill “the cup” – when the cup is provided. He alone is to be seen.
He alone will heal, strengthen, bless, enlighten, empower and direct without mankind being a go-between or touching His glory.
It therefore seems so right that the angel GOODNESS should bring this message and through this angel the Lord confirms the words of the prophets.
In Exodus 33:18-19a – Moses said, “I pray You, show me Your glory!” And He (God) said, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you…”
The Father equated His glory with His goodness – and here the angel of GOODNESS brings the message of His glory that will be seen in the fullness of time on Prayer Mountain.