The Angel Called ENCOURAGER

During such times in the world, we can all use a jolt of expectancy and joy. Perhaps there is no angel so appreciated in this day and age as one who “encourages”.

The enemy sees that we have been battling in our Lord’s army for years, and now we look like weary soldiers standing on the battlefield, leaning on our swords, bloodied but unbowed. What the enemy has not seen is that with our heads down – we have winked at our fellow warriors and smiled.

The enemy thinks he has beaten us down, but instead we are waiting for him to get close enough to give him a disastrous blow

We’re not down. We are quietly calling on the Lord.

For the Lord is not just recording the spiritual history of The Moravian Falls House of Prayer, He is actively encouraging those who journey to Prayer Mountain to meet with Him. There is no one on Earth who can encourage you like our Heavenly Father. He can truly answer your questions. He can truly set your feet on the right path. He can truly express the deep love of the Holy Trinity.

Therefore, our Heavenly Father assigned an angel called Encourager to Prayer Mountain. Since his arrival, thousands of God’s children have had their spirits lifted and their life’s directions clarified. This prophetic arrival occurred in 2006 and chronicles the next provision for Prayer Mountain.

July 13, 2006: Thursday – The Vision

After arriving at the gazebo, an angel descended. It seemed to have wings – but it was actually light fracturing on either side of him as he came down.

He spoke: “I am from the choir known as ENCOURAGERS. Our great King sends us to encourage His children and those whom He will. At times He sends us to the unrighteous to encourage them… such as Darius. But now, I am assigned here on this small mount.”

“‘Be encouraged,’ He is saying to those who seek Him here. Be of good cheer. He would have none departing from here that have not received His encouragement.”

“Our choir receives assignments from the Holy Spirit – the Great Encourager. He wants answers to be received, joy to replace sadness, clarity where confusion once held sway. Working with others (angels), we give a boost – an increased wattage you might say – to the help they provide. We also come along side to facilitate encouragement that is not coupled with the work of others. In that case others may come to touch the fringes of that which I bring. (I felt that this might be like strength or insight, etc.)”

“We who are of your Father’s kingdom cooperate – even as His earthly sons are meant to do. His kingdom is a kingdom of unity and love. Each step that has been taken in unity and love reflects His kingdom on Earth. This has been a desire of your Father – that His children would bring heaven to earth through exhibiting His character.”

“Therefore, be encouraged. The King of kings and Lord of lords is with you.”

In Daniel 11:1 the verse reads: “In the first year of Darius the Mede, I arose to be an encouragement and a protection for him.” This was spoken to Daniel by an angel sent to him.

Albert asked why the angel referred to choir when talking about the other angels like the angels of Encouragement. I told him I was not sure, but it seemed to be a reference to angelic members with the same gifting, or something like that, not singers. Within his speaking of the word, there was an echo of the ancient guilds, but not like organized unions, simply those of like purpose. So I looked it up. First of all, a number of angels is usually called “a host.” However, that word: “host” is derived from the Latin hostis, meaning enemy, and hence came to mean an army – warriors for God. Choir is not only a gathering of singers but can also mean a “band” or a group. Since these angels are not warrior angels, it seemed that he referred to his group of angels as a “choir”.