In this revelation, the words “la-la” are used for a place of delusion. This revelation came in very early 2015 – so almost late 2014 – many years before the popular movie that presently is available from Hollywood called “La La Land”. I have not seen that film, but this revelation deals with delusions. Also, this revelation shows two glimpses of the second heaven (Satan’s headquarters during this age): one is the second heaven as it seeks to present itself and the other, a depiction of how it really is.


I was seeing in a fuzzy way – and I was clouded in my perception. It was as though I was trying to clear the path before me, but it was too foggy for me to do so.

Suddenly, I shot upward into heaven, (second heaven).

I popped through and I came down with my feet turned out to steady me.
It was like I had dropped into a Disney animated movie: little bunnies, birds and other animals bounced over to me.

“Where am I?”

“Never-never land,” the cartoon animals etc. chimed.

“But this is impossible,” I exclaimed, “Heaven is real!”

Suddenly the cartoon characters dropped their disguise. Behind the “la-la” were demons.

“How did this happen?” I cried out.

“You ‘slipped through the cracks’,” they laughed (mimicking).

“What?” I exclaimed, “NO – let me out of here. Lord, help me.”


Immediately I was back on earth.

“What was that?” I cried.

The Lord spoke: “That was the second heaven mimicking the real. If you had accepted the delusion you would have locked away, part of your soul. Part of you would have been imprisoned – for behind the ‘la-la’ are legal bars.”


“Yes, because something in you allowed entry. Accepting and embracing the false as true, puts you into prison. The barred doors close and lock. You will have allowed the imprisonment yourself. You would have imprisoned ‘you’. You would have locked ‘you’ away from the light. Within the prison, you would find cartoon characters: facades masquerading as true, but you would not care. The true, the actual, would be covered with ‘la-la’.”

“You too would have become a cartoon character – a charming facade.”

“Why are you showing me this?”

“Because you need to know that delusion is one slight step away from everyone.”

I thought about this statement a moment – then spoke: “Please Lord, will You send me help?”


Suddenly an angel drove up in a van. Pest Control was written on the side of the van. He got out. He was dressed in white coveralls and wore a hard hat. He had a tank strapped to his back that had a tube running from it and a long wand. He smiled as he strode over to me.

“Anti-delusional Pest Control,” he sung out cheerily.

“You have come to help me?” I stammered.

“Yes, ma’am,” he smiled, “we zap delusions both great and small.”

“How do you zap them?” I asked mystified.

“Light,” he said, “I aim my pointer at them and give them a shot.”

“What does the light do?” I asked, still perplexed.

“It replaces the darkness just enough to straighten out the person’s eyesight and straighten out their heart values. The deluded have ‘fallen through the cracks’ but I come along and fill those cracks with light. If the deluded really wants the truth the light will shock them into reality and the rest is bye-bye delusion. Not all people want the truth. Some will join the cartoon cast of characters. Some will embrace the fantasy of the facade. But, if they cry out to know the truth, I am ready-on-the-spot to give them a shot of light.

“I have a great job because I only come when I’m called. I do not need to experience mankind’s labyrinth of false turns and dead ends.

“Call me when you need me. We are prompt, steady of hand and heart and always willing.” He hit me with a splat of light – my eyes opened and my confusion lifted.

He tipped his hard hat and zoomed off in his utility van.

The second heaven is not a place you wish to be unless accompanied by Jesus. Therefore, if you find yourself there alone, a quick exit is the safest recourse.

In the second heaven, demonic princes and powers have palaces and manor houses. Other’s in this stratum serve them. The angels fell in ranks. The princes – powers- world rulers of the present darkness are served by these fallen, lower angels – now grotesquely misshaped by evil. These are administrators over the evil Counter Kingdom ruled by Satan.

But as you see, the Lord provides help… always.