September 2021 – THESE ARE THE “NOW” TIMES


Jesus said: “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now” (John 16:12). Dear children of the Living God, that “now” has come.

Even as wars and rumors of wars multiply, so has the Lord multiplied revelations concerning His word and His ways. The apostle Paul said: “I press on toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). We may not have realized that, as the world’s systems are over-ripening into rotten, He is pouring out revelations about Himself, His angels, and His ways. It is almost as though the angels are jumping up and down, waving their arms and shouting: “over here! Over here! Don’t look at that! (About the news of the world.)

Indeed, I can barely watch the news now. Honestly, I feel like I am swallowing poison. But why? It isn’t from religious convictions. I wish it were. No, it simply makes me ill – rather like what one might feel on shipboard during a particularly rough ocean crossing. Also, the information I receive from the news now doesn’t seem to add to my knowledge, or my enjoyment.

Oh, I am still watching a bit of the news, but I do so because I need to know what is going on in the world for the sake of prayer (like the recent tragedy of Americans and our allies struggling to get out of Afghanistan).


The outcomes, however, seem to be self-evident. It’s as though we are in a retelling of an old, old story. The only thing new is that we are waiting to hear where we are in the timeline of the Bible (in its inexorable march towards Armageddon.) But even as the world is crumbling around us, God’s hand is reaching down from heaven while He is calling: “come up here” (Deuteronomy 19:15).


Do we realize how amazing it is that God Almighty holds to His own laws, even to allowing the death of His son to fulfill the law? I did not realize that He was so careful in fulfilling all the law. However, the fact that He opened this confirming revelation to three people at one time so that He would fulfill the statute: “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses” (2 Cor 13:1), amazes me.

My husband and I and our neighbor Wendy were blessed to see Him fulfill that statute concerning the chapel and His coming.
Usually only one person sees into the spiritual realm. But with this “legal” confirmation that established His promises, He allowed three to see the revelation at the same time. Truly amazing.

In the world, all of this destruction and mayhem is taking place around us, but God Almighty is bursting forth into the true direction for his children: UP.

For more information on the “The Witnesses,” please visit                                          September 2021 – The Witnesses


We are not having our open prayer meetings at the moment.