September 2018 – Early Gifts And Mantles

Early Gifts And Mantles

(The picture is from my 1995 journal.)

I have noticed, as I look back at these early recordings in my journals, how many gifts and empowering’s were given very early.

The heavens opened for me at the season of Hanukkah in late 1994. The Lord moved very quickly to equip me. Believe me, I just stumbled through all these experiences. No reason was given to me for such an equipping. Just hearing, seeing and recording the spiritual experiences, was about all I could manage at the time. Therefore, the start of March 1995 was less than three months from the initial breakthrough experience.

We must remember, that with each level of equipping, we receive a spiritual “growth spurt”. These are tiring when one is growing up physically and they are equally tiring in the spiritual growth process.

With each visit to Heaven, I could stay a little longer. I found that I had to “work-up” to longer periods of time above.

The endowments shown in this journal, picture occurrences from 1995. They are described in the two books: “The Heavens Opened” and “The Priestly Bride” (which the publishing house combined into one large book: “Heaven Awaits the Bride”).

The pictures here are shown right from my journals of twenty-three years ago and the raw material from these journals transferred to the books.

At that time, I had no idea I would be writing books or sharing any of these experiences. But now I believe the Lord was preparing me for writing and for the marathon of prayer required to prepare the land for a Prayer Chapel on Prayer Mountain.