September 2016 – ANGELS AT WORK

Prayer Mountain in Moravian Falls is an elevation blessed with tremendous spiritual activity.  Bob Jones once said that the only location on earth with more angels than Prayer Mountain is the Mount of Olives in Israel.

People from all over the world come to this location to pray.  Many see angels and almost as many leave with angels to assist them when they go.  But while the angels are here they are very busy.  One of the occupations in which they are engaged, is assisting in the delivery of prayers to the throne room above.

The following revelation (taken right from a journal of six years ago) gives you more insight into angelic labors here on this ridge.


The angels within the woods and it sounds like – those in heaven – are singing together.  They are singing in an angelic tongue – which I do not understand.

Suddenly from among them a high voice lifts to God.  Almost immediately the angels on the ridge and those from a wider area (sort of like surround sound) join in a chant supporting the high voice.

The angels on earth begin to lift bowls to angels hovering just off the ground.  Those in turn lift the bowls to angels a little further above the earth.  They were like a holy bucket brigade.  Carefully and smoothly they pass the bowls upward.

The angelic song may be the angels’ version of a “work song”, like the songs sung by those building the railroads in the early years of this nation.

It would seem that the gathering of these prayers to this area signifies a type of heavenly loading dock.  Prayers are coming from the people to this area.  When the bowls are full, they are ready for delivery heavenward, and the angels are ready to assist.

The presence of the Holy Spirit is very strong today.  It’s like He’s hovering…as though He is protecting or covering the bowls.  Wispy tendrils of light pass to each bowl as they begin their journey upward.  Perhaps these tender wisps of light are the Holy Spirit touching each bowl before it moves upward (like a mother bird on a nest touches (with its beak) each chick’s unhatched egg – brooding over it with tender care.)