Prophetic Signs

Not all of the spiritual history of The Moravian Falls House of Prayer deals with angels. Sometimes there are prophetic promptings. In recounting this spiritual history, these are equally as important.

This is one such “sign.” As with the other signs, it is as significant as the arrival of various angels on Prayer Mountain.

Using the Small

Like the song that states: “His eye is on the sparrow…” so does the Lord use the smallest of His creatures to advance His greater purposes.

The following is a story. However, it is important that it be included as and when it occurred in the mountain’s history, because it led to the Lord compiling a book of remembrance for the Moravian Falls House of Prayer.

These are not like those stories recorded in the Bible – for those trace the history, travels, trials, etc. of God with mankind. This recounting is of God laying down a spiritual foundation for a desired meeting place between God and His children.

This present story tells how that particular book of remembrance (for the Moravian Falls House of Prayer) came into being.

July 10, 2006 – Monday

Yesterday, when Al and I were leaving the gazebo to return to the cabin – after prayers – we saw a young crow flopping around on the adjacent land. He had broken his neck and, naturally, could not lift his head.

He flopped over and over and, at times, cried out in distress to his choir of crows. But none came to help him. His injury was incurable. Even if taken to the veterinarian, we knew he would not live.

We stood for a long time praying for the young crow. Then with heavy hearts we went home. During the day we talked about the impact of seeing one of God’s creatures suffer.

But by this morning we had forgotten the encounter. Therefore, we were surprised to see the young crow dead on the edge of the adjacent land. Albert, of course, returned to the cabin to get a shovel to bury the dead creature. I stood watch.

As I watched the ants crawling on the poor broken-necked crow, I thought to myself, “How quickly we forget.”

Between yesterday’s impact and the fresh new day of this morning, we had forgotten the incident. I was a bit taken aback. I thought to myself, “We forget God’s goodness to us just as quickly. We, the human race, would be doomed if God forgot us as we forget Him.”

“Lord,” I cried out in my spirit, “would You send us an angel of remembrance. We would not forget You nor any of that which You have already done for us. Just as You have a book of remembrance concerning those who love You and fear Your name (Malachi 3:16-18) could this angel write for us a book of remembrance of Your goodness to us – so that daily the angel would open that book before us – even as it records the blessings that are new every morning. Your very heart was expressed through the captives on the way into exile: Psalm 137:5-6: ‘If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget her skill. May my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Jerusalem above my chief joy.’”

“How much more should we remember our God. Would you provide a scribe angel to record in the supernatural realm the history of Your goodness on this one, small ridge? – lest we forget.”


We did not receive a reply that day – but days later. The request for a special scribe angel to record and bring us into remembrance about His foundational work on Prayer Mountain was answered. We will tell that part of His miraculous work on Prayer Mountain when it occurs in the history, (two days later.)