There Is A Great Differance


Those who are not part of the body of Christ, do not understand being born again. It is impossible for them to believe that a human could be “one way” and almost immediately be “another way” by repenting and giving their lives to Christ. I wasn’t saved until I was 38, so I remember not understanding. I remember internally mocking those who professed Christ. Truly, we see this lack of understanding everywhere.

Therefore, we should not be surprised when the lost drag up the sins of our chosen candidate and parade them around as if they were still alive. The person that did anything before giving their life to Christ is not the same person after being born again. Literally, you start out again (in spirit) as if you were just born…

Now, if the person who is running for the highest office in the land said out loud that he was not the same person that he was when he acted in unrighteous ways – only the Christians would understand, and not all of them… because some Christians hold to the form of Christianity, but do not truly understand what that means.

But we Christians need to stand with the candidate that professes with Christ through a changed life. We need to “cut our young brother some slack.” If he could be seen as his spiritual age, he would be a kindergartener.

I am thrilled that we have a candidate that is in the Kingdom of God. His challenges are great for a five-year-old. We need to be praying with all our might for him and for his family.

Actually, it is the body of Christ that needs to grow up. We know the approximate year he was saved, and we, who are older in Christ know that a baby in Christ needs to grow up. All of us who are older than five in spirit are the adults here.

Great responsibility is being placed on his shoulders. We would never criticize a five-year-old for not handling perfectly the running of a nation. We are the older in Christ – which is the only age that matters.

Christians let’s try to lift more of the burden off of our younger brother – mainly by not letting the devil charge and convict him for sins committed before he came to Christ.

We are blessed to live in the times when God Almighty is giving us the chance to ourselves grow up along with our “five-year-old” leader.