The installation that took place in the court of heaven confirmed me in the position of being my Heavenly Father’s Chancellor (secretary). The picture is right from my journal of January 1, 1995. All of the small lines within the […]
Other Ways of Teaching
Our heavenly Father has other ways of teaching His children. Sometimes the teaching is in pictures. Here is an example of the Father teaching me in pictures. This series was given to me over and over again on January 9, […]
One of the Twenty- four Elders
From THE HEAVENS OPENED and HEAVEN AWAITS THE BRIDE “In the midst of the intensely white light of the throne area, there stood twenty-four very tall beings with crowns on their heads. Each wore a chain with a single gold […]
The Lesson of the Birds
The following (right from my journal of July 1995) shows one of the ways the Lord teaches us….pictures. The section marked in yellow is dialogue spoken by the Lord. The pink marks research that I pursued related to the vision. […]
The Hanging Gardens in Paradise
Again, this picture is right out of my journal (1995). I was at the hanging gardens in Paradise. The watermark at the lower right and somewhat on the left is due to the journals getting wet when the fire department […]