Some angels not only deliver messages to us or assist us in the tasks at hand, but some are markers of great significance in our lives. They themselves are signposts. The very arrival of such an angel means that your […]
Here is the angel VICTORY (well, to the best of my ability to draw him). He stands about 8 feet tall and shines with an intense brightness. His robe looks for all-the-world like liquid mercury: quixotic, subtly shimmering, changeable light. […]
Teaching By Seeing
On the Second Day of Hanukkah, December, 1995, the Lord gave me an experience in heaven that was shared in Heaven Awaits the Bride. Here is the illustration that was drawn on the day of the revelation—along with the text: […]
Angels That Work Together
The angels shown here are WISDOM in the center, PRUDENCE in the Summer Green color and DISCRETION in the Berry color. My friend, Bob Jones, always referred to Wisdom as “the redheaded woman.” When I showed the drawing of Wisdom […]
Angels Helping Angels
This particular spiritual experience taught me many important aspects of angels. Let’s take this occurrence piece by piece: MIGRATION: I find that angels often describe spiritual occurrences in a way that brings a quick understanding of the situation through comparing […]
The First Vortex
I saw this vortex very soon after the Lord opened the heavens to me. I had no idea of what it was. Therefore, I called it a funnel in my journal of December 20, 1994. I’ll type what was said […]