Other Ways of Teaching

Our heavenly Father has other ways of teaching His children. Sometimes the teaching is in pictures. Here is an example of the Father teaching me in pictures. This series was given to me over and over again on January 9, 1995.

The first picture shows the Holy Spirit taking a person from the sea of humanity, delivering the new believer (represented by the fish) to Christ (represented by the sun). Then in pictures #1-6 there is a progression of revelation concerning Christ. In square 1 there is a little revelation of His glory. In square 2 there is a greater revelation of His glory. In square 3 there is more of a revelation and then in square 4 there is a full picture of Christ in His glory. Then the revelation begins again.

The next revelation finishes the teaching again. Boxes seven and eight complete the revelation of His glory in greater measure. Then Mickey Mouse (a cartoon character) appears and says:”IT’S SHOWTIME!”
What in the world could this mean? It means that the Lord is going to show me something in a very simple—almost childlike way so that I cannot miss His meaning.

As Mickey Mouse stood there, confetti began to pour down from above. This meant that we were going to celebrate. Then The Father showed who was to be celebrated. JESUS!!!!!



The large, red letters would come close to me and then splat all over me. When this happened a voice said: “The blood of Jesus.” The Father was showing me that, through the blood of His Son I am redeemed, cleansed, forgiven and protected. Then Chuckles appeared confirming that this was a glorious gift to mankind—believing mankind. In the revelation of Jesus all the colors of the rainbow were displayed. All good things are in Him.


Suddenly, Woody Woodpecker appeared asking me if I was living in doubt and unbelief? Woodpeckers eat worms, etc. inside trees. Wood, hay and stubble—that which is fit for the fire. The woodpecker gave a mocking question to me. Did I believe the Lord did all of this for me? Could I give this as my testimony? Could I tell what the Lord had done for me?

My answer caused the Holy Spirit to pick up the evil one—represented by the snake—and carry it away from me.



The last picture was of the Holy Spirit dropping the snake on the Rock that is Jesus Christ. And what did it show?

REVELATION 12:11: “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their (soul life) even to death.”