November 2015 – BIRDS OF PARADISE

he Lord is always full of inventive ways to prepare His children for Kingdom service. Sometimes the message arrives years ahead of time – when the person has absolutely no idea what the message means.

Such is the case with the following revelation. This was given twenty years ago: October 19, 1975.

The Lord was sharing a secret with me. He was preparing me for a time to come [which actually, proved to be two years hence], when He would call me to write of heaven.]

I am sharing this revelation with you so that you might look again at the clues in your own lives: for He shares subtle signs with us all. He may be giving you “Previews” of things to come.


I was in paradise and angels flew up presenting bouquets of flowers to me. In their hands the bouquets became cabbages – (cabbages are an edible food) and out from these cabbages flew birds of paradise. They perched in the air and began to sing.

An angel said: “The Birds of paradise sing the sweetest song in Paradise. Would you like one to take home to earth?”

I replied: “I have no way of caring for it. It’s better that it stays here in its native home.”

The angel said: “You are a bird of paradise but called to sing Heaven’s song on earth. You’ll sing of your true home and hardened hearts will be moved. You will sing of your true home and it will be like a travel log. The Birds of Paradise sing the sweetest songs about Paradise. Many will hear and look up.”

The birds sang:

“Sing beautiful bird of paradise:

Sing of treasure untold,

Sing of the riches in Christ Himself,

Sing of your heavenly home.”

The birds flew back into the cabbages and the cabbages turned into bouquets of flowers which the angels handed to me.