May 2018 – A Subtle and Sobering Lesson

A Subtle and Sobering Lesson

The following letter comes from a friend in England who is a medical doctor seeking his second PhD at Oxford University. Also, he is engaged in a major research project. That which he encountered could happen to anyone of us. Honestly, we do not live as though we are in a war zone, but dear children of God, we are.

The Lord spared this professor, but oh, his experience should run a chill down all our spines.

Because he is a friend, I asked him if he would allow me to share his letter with you relating both his physical and spiritual experience. The Lord released him to do so. All of us are very grateful to him.

The Letter:

Dear Anna,

I trust this letter finds you well. Thank you so much for your recent correspondence.

You might remember that I had quite a serious accident at Stonehenge back in February. While God was not the originator of the accident, I learnt a very valuable lesson, which may be of interest.

Somebody drove with over 50 mph into the driver’s side of my car and took off the front bonnet. A fraction earlier, and he would have directly driven into my driver’s door. Surprisingly, no one got injured. Due to the impact, I had only a severe concussion resulting in a complete memory loss lasting approximately 20 minutes. My car was a write off. I asked the Lord, why the enemy had gained such access to my life. This was the first time, and I try to walk closely with the Lord, keeping my life pure.

The only thing that came to my mind was the following: When I drove on the road passing by Stonehenge, I looked at these large stones and thought, ‘What threat can come from this pile of rubble?’ I was aware that Stonehenge was a place with a history of intense occult activity. Today, the site employs a practicing shaman as part of the tourist attraction. The Lord reminded me that I was not supposed to judge by mere external appearances (John 7:24). This unrighteous judgement was based on spiritual arrogance. This in turn lead to underestimating the potential threat of the enemy and gave him access.

Accepting such a thought would probably not have had such implications in a different location. But Stonehenge seems like an intensive and active spiritual war zone with significant levels of witchcraft. Even small mistakes can be costly in such places. I was reminded of the battle of Midway in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. Most of the enemies’ fighter planes were shot down. A few were able to target the American aircraft carriers and destroyers. Out of these few, only a tiny fraction succeeded and their bombs hit their targets but with devastating effect. Sometimes, the same can apply to our thought life: We manage to fight off most attacks. However, one or two thoughts might get through. If this occurs during active conflict, the effects can be as severe as in the crash.

The lesson I learnt was subtle but sobering: Don’t fear the enemy but take his potential threat seriously.

Spring is growing in momentum even in rainy England. I keep praying for you, your country and your president.

God bless.

So, what was the lesson for us all?


Presumption is like a half sleep. You are not spiritually alert enough to properly discern. “The barn door is open” you might say. But let us be entirely accurate in “presumptions” evaluation: painful as it may be to hear – there is pride in it. Think back – every time you dismissed a threat from the enemy or thought “I’ve got this…” what happened? Well, little if you were living such a fleshly life that Satan had you anyway – but a “car crash” metaphorically, if you are a “prize” – (that is truly seeking to live a godly life). Oh, the care we must take. We must, must, must “take every thought captive”.