It has taken me a little time to realize that-actually-I may be a historian. The books that I wrote before I began seeing into heaven are both history books. Indeed, all that I have given to you in the spiritual realm is true…true spiritual history. Now, I wish to start sharing sections of Bob Jones’ ”life”interviews. These were taped over a year’s period of time twenty-three years ago. They, also, are true Christian history. There may be day to day happenings relating to life, but also, there are the amazing spiritual encounters he experienced-starting as a small child.
I believe we are far enough along in this work that portions of the story may be related. I have been seeking our Father’s heart and mind about how He would want these vital revelations to be shared with His children. Freely, our friend, Bob Jones gave my husband and I permission to relate his story. Freely, Mike Bickle (under whose authority Bob had placed himself at that time) gave us his permission as well.
First, all the tapes needed to be put into CDs so that they could be transcribed. Then, secondly, the CDs needed to go through the laborious and time consuming process of being transcribed. In each case, I have multiple and huge notebooks containing either CDs or transcriptions.
I cannot tell you how much material we have because as soon as we got to Bob’s house in Independence each recording session, we turned on the tape recorder and ran it ”full-out” the entire time we were with him. Thereby, we recorded EVERYTHING from the first ”hello” to going out to eat afterwards.
There is too much material to place in a story, but as an archival repository of a great prophet and as a slice of Christian history, every comma and period is of great importance.
With the Lord’s help, I plan to start sharing small sections of the (raw) transcriptions. These transcriptions are taken down in dialect. [Bob grew up in Arkansas. His father was a share-cropper-and his father, mother, and all three of the brothers worked the fields.]
I feel that by sharing the transcriptions “as is” you are there with us-actually participating in history. [Since news now days seems so manipulated that I- personally- do not know if what I am hearing is true or a fictionalized facsimile of what is actually going on, I thought you might enjoy the unvarnished truth….even if reading it proved to be a bit awkward.]
The transcription is in the TEACHING section of the website. May our Lord bless you in the reading of it.