March 2018

Dear Friends,

Are we not the most fortunate people in that we are called by God to be here in these exciting times? Stressful – but all of history has been stressful. I have lived through the Great Depression, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the rise of Militant Islam (with all their mini-wars) and still, still I find God good and righteous and this world (which belongs to Him, after all) to be a blessed place to live.

But never in my lifetime have we seen so clearly the division between Christ and the world. In the Second World War we saw the stark differences between Christ and Satan’s “front man”: Hitler.

But now the lies and corruption are so great that putrification is global. Now it is difficult to find many people in government that we can truly trust.

We feel like we’re in a House of Mirrors or being forced to play a crooked, high stakes shell game. In the House of Mirrors, we lose our way, bumping into endless false twists and turns until our lives are frittered away. In the shell game, one false choice and the ground disappears beneath our feet.

In each, the penalty for losing is death: spiritual, physical, moral, relational and on and on or a half-life (what we call zombies) where we are trying to suck life out of false gods… the dead feeding the dead. These false paths lead nowhere.

Therefore, we walk a razor’s edge if we rely upon the world, the flesh or the devil. The only firm ground beneath us is “The Rock”: Jesus.

But for those of us who cling to “The Rock,” life is a glorious adventure. We are not our own. (That’s a relief.) We are here to serve the One who purchased us (our Lord and Master, our Savior, our Redeemer, our King). We do His bidding and live to glorify His Name. He has already planned out our exciting schedule and chosen all the good works “we are to walk in.”

For our response to His call, we receive membership in our Father’s family – all of heaven, blessed brothers and sisters in Christ, many, many spiritual friends (the angels) and the sort of spiritual work that dazzles the mind.

For joining our Father’s family, we are given promises, callings, anointing’s and blessings galore. We have treasure laid up for us in our true home and family and friends waiting for us above.

Truly, dear friends, this life is short. For those who are reading this while in their 20’s or 30’s, it may not seem the case. However, let me assure you – a little further down the path it begins to be a race to finish all that has been given to you to do before you are called home.

The Bible itself tells us very little about the eternal life before creation and it tells us very little about life after the Millennial Kingdom.

Therefore, those of us who have been given the opportunity to draw near to our Heavenly Father – at this time – are unique. Oh, there will be other people. The Bible tells us of nations of people living outside the city in the Millennial Kingdom (Revelations 22:2). But brothers and sisters, we who are alive now have been given a unique opportunity – both in nearness to God and in service to Him.

We are blessed beyond measure. We are loved and cherished. We are Family – His Family. God is our Father, Jesus our Brother and the Holy Spirit our great Teacher and Friend.

It doesn’t get any better than that.