When my husband and I moved to Prayer Mountain, it was in June 1997.  At that time there was one small cabin at the top of the hill, a newly constructed Apple Hill Lodge, a large private home right across from the lodge, and an unfinished cabin near the top of the hill. There was one road—the black topped road—going straight up to the highest cabin. I called it: “The highway to heaven.”

There were older houses in Moravian Falls proper, but no new construction. Across from this “little mountain” was Pore’s Knob.  This larger mountain was owned by a man that wanted to sell it. I remember calling Bob Jones and telling him that there was a whole mountain for sale here for only $365,000. Owning a mountain was not part of his calling, however.

My husband and I had $600 to live on each month. That was the reason we came to Moravian falls.  The owners of the little, unfinished cabin were going to charge us only $250 a month to rent it. Of course there was no air conditioning and North Carolina was in one of its most severe heat waves ever. But it was a quiet place to finish our first book. (I remember sitting up in bed in the basement – because it was cooler there-working on THE HEAVENS OPENED with sweat pouring from me.)


The few who were here were of one mind and heart. All of us wished to see the Lord have the desires of His heart by having a house of prayer on Prayer Mountain. But we were hoping that this would be accomplished by God initiating and by God bringing it to completion.

We realized that this would take time. Mankind can get an idea, raise money, and push forward with the project.  God, on the other hand, wants to work with the lives of believers—scores of them at one time.  His work is more gracious and loving…but it does take longer.


Everyone who came or who now comes to live on Prayer Mountain is tested.  All—all of us.  Why?  Work. He wants a godly work for His house of prayer. He is calling those who wish to live holy to and for the Lord.  Can we do that?  Jesus says we can.


The house of prayer is not outer court ministry.  It is the holy of holies. Therefore, the Lord tests those who move here to ascertain if they are here for Him or if there is a fleshly mixture in their desires.

(Some remain—some do not. This testing is for those called to serve Him on Prayer Mountain…those who actually live here.)


Has there been opposition?

Not among the original,  owners. Fathers in the faith, they were.

But when a second generation began to purchase the land, the desire among those to see the Lord have His heart’s desire by having a house of prayer on Prayer Mountain, seemed to get lost in their own particular vision.

Once an owner of the land blocked access to top by stringing a strong wire across the road with a sign showing the legal right the owner had to arrest anyone who would cross that wire to go to the top to pray.

Yes, I would say there was opposition. Giants really.  (The Lord removed these owners.)


Therefore, the prophecies that came forth last year were truly encouraging to those of us who wish the Lord to have the desires of His heart—by having a house of prayer on Prayer Mountain.  Both prophecies were from pastors visiting Prayer Mountain.

Neither knew anything of the past history I have just related to you.

The two recent prophecies that gave us hope:


A pastor saw an angel on a white horse.

The horse was galloping across the horizon.  In the angel’s hand was the head of Goliath. When the horse reached the edge of the land (before a chasm,) it stopped and the angel threw Goliath’s head into the bottomless pit.

Afterwards, the Lord spoke to the pastor and said: “Those who have been persecuting My children will now be gone.”

(This prophecy is in the process of being fulfilled.)


In October of 2024, a visiting pastor saw a strong wire strung across the road to the top of Prayer Mountain.

From the center of the wire hung a sign that read: STOP.  The top of Prayer Mountain had a spiritual block on it.

Then he saw the angel cut the wire and carry the wire and stop sign to one side.  The way was open. The Angel gestured with his hand to enter.

After 19 years the way to the top is finally open. Oh, we may have one or two of Goliath’s giant brothers to contend with, but if the Lord says it’s open—it’s open.